Character Not found

i see blizzard is getting worse with their launches i wonder how many weeks it will take them to fix everything

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Same issue here, none of the realms where I have characters are showing up

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Same here… it happened yesterday as well. I would guess that it has to do with the realms glitching at max capacity, but the realm doesn’t say full and our toons should at least show as existing within the realm.


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I am also having this issue.

It’s random it seems

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yes it is 100%

same exact problem here. on top of character not found.

Where’s my toons?

Same problem here, Dawnbringer and Lightbringer.

The world has stopped.

All characters on Sisters of Elune and Duskwood servers are gone. Additionally I do not even have an option to create a character on any server.

Same problem here. Daggerspine server.

I am also scrolling through realm selection and there are no characters, and I was playing and got back into the game just 4 hours prior. For a while now there has been no characters I understand others have this same problem I do as well.

Annnnddd back out, again. lol

they are on it lmao

Same thing just happened here. Goldrinn server.

Multiple accounts on multiple realms - all gone… I know my toons would never leave me, they need me.


On Medivh, all characters are selectable, but none are found after trying to log in.

All my realms with toons on them are gone so i cant login and play

ticket response from yesterday

Hey there Jennifer,

This is Game Master Strybur. While I’m not seeing any missing characters on the account and they are still showing up, keep in mind that the character count list on the realm selection screen isn’t going to be up to date immediately either. So if you’re looking at the realm selection list then yes they will appear to be missing. The level squish with the pre-patch changed the characters levels and as such the system that counts them up and lists them on the realm selection list is going to be out of date until you manually log into the realms and characters so it has a chance to update.

Here is a list of the realms to check though for the characters on this account:

  • Lothar
  • Khadgar
  • Dalaran
  • Zangarmarsh
  • Azuresong (Classic)

As you manually change to those realms you should see the characters, and if you still don’t beyond that then you may need to force that character list to refresh. To do that you want to create a new character on the realm, log into the game with the new character, run around in game on that character for about 10s or so and then logout. That will force the character list to refresh and you’ll be all set.

Hope you have a great day.

Reporting in - Perenolde/Cairne/Lothar - 50 toons across 3 servers - can’t log in to any of them. ‘Character Not Found’ - Removed WTF, Interface folders.
I should not be surprised that Blizz has ruined yet another expansion release. It seems like they need a new division where someone actually TESTS the code before mass releasing it into the world - and them saying that they appreciate our patience…perhaps they need to compensate us for our patience.