Character Not found

i already deleted my cashe folder and it did not work at all


Azshara as well, not found

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Hey people! Where do you think our character went? Did they all went into Shadowmeld?

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Seems to be a server-side issue. Takes abnormally long to login in getting “retrieving realm list”. No characters listed in any realm when logged in. Unable to create new ones. Unable to enable/disable addons. After sitting in a realm, characters eventually populate. Logging in it loads about 3/4 of the way consistently and the character not found issue shows up. Can not create a character as the creation buttion is greyed out.

I’m sure the scheduled maintenance/server restart tomorrow will resolve this issue temporarily for most.

I’ve deleted my Cache/WTF folder . Others have reinstalled the game. Has anyone tried a different machine/I.P. on their account? Or have tried a verified working account on their client and able to log-in?

I got in, now I’m kicked again and character not found. The fact this still isn’t fixed is getting insanely frustrating and pathetic.


I tried a mobile hotspot, 2,4ghz, and 5ghz network but same thing.

any update on this? This is day 2 of me missing out on game time during the window of hours I have to play, complete waste of my playtime


its seems they are working on something Realms are going off line as I type this. Good Luck

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it’s on their end so deleting folders and stuff isnt going to help with an issue on blizzards side :slight_smile: we just have to wait for the fixes to be added.


But can you log in?

Yes, I’m able to get logged in but unable to get in-game with any character.

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Why is my server " offline " to only me? I can’t even tranfer them because I need to log in to do so…

had lags while playing yesterday night EST. now it asks to choose the realm from the list and takes a while to load the characters. Tried 4 different characters and none of them load. Thunderlord is labeled new players.

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Happening to me to ffs

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Well I tried, take it easy on the mod, just here to take notes. Got to go to bed, waking up in 6 hours for work


hey i dont know if this fixed it or yall just did, but i did this and im in right now, it didnt post it right, i deleted the blizzard folder from %programdata%

I finally got it, no idea what changed

still trying to log in on ysera; I played last night, but now I can’t log in at all today. thanks

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Unable to log into my characters too “Character Not Found” Error.
Realms Zul’jin, Undermine, Ravenholt

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I’ve been trying to load into a character for about 1.5 hours now. Keep getting “Character not found” on every character on every realm. Some are logged out in Boralus, some in Stormwind, even the DH starting zone, or Orgrimmar. Doesn’t seem to matter.

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