Character Not found

yea i pre purchased SL too and having the same issue but none of my friends are and they pre purchased as well.

GOT IN. Characters loaded immediately and logged straight in

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I’ve been through every expansion other than BC and know issues can happen on release day but the more you release before that day the less likely something is to happen. Can something happen, of course. Can this same issue happen on release day, probably not because it’s already happened and hopefully will have a fix in place soon. I’m just not going to take it out on employees who’s job it is to relay information to the player base and know things will happen from time to time. It’s silly to get irate, upset or take it out on any Blizz employees. lol

Doubt SL will be any better :laughing:it I knew it would be a s*^#show but all our characters not showing was even worse than I thought it would be :laughing:. I know they are working on it but this is a big booboo :rofl:.

I got in both realms maybe the mice running the generator are working again!!!

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Blizz just needs to do some rolling restarts. This is crazy!!

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Wait it out like the rest of us sadly

Come again?

What realm are you on?

The people demanding to be compensated makes this all the more comical.


I was able to log on my to server (which did not show my characters) after seeing a black screen for a min, my characters appeared. However, after trying to log in, I got the error stating, “Character not found.”


still nothing here

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That is pretty interesting, Nofrettll, I’ll mention it.

To be fair, there are a lot of patches that go extremely smooth. From my point of view it always seems moment they don’t everyone forgets that fact. :slight_smile:

I don’t believe that is necessary, Moonhooch. I’ve been keeping track of the characters posting and those realm are already noted in the ticket. Thanks, though.


Just adding my name to the list, no character numbers on realm list. Hop on Area 52, all toons there but cant log into any of them. Character not found issue since last night.

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Having the same issue as everyone else. Am on kil’jaeden

been trying to login for over 20minutes now, still no characters found, and i cannot make a new character. i played earlier today and had no problem.

This happened to me too. Server: Mannoroth. Character Name: Witherscowl (Worgen)
Currently on forums, I can only select two pre-patch characters for my forum picture.

same probem … toon on zuljin

good point Cute

Same Issue