Character Not found

Strybur the GM

This is just ludicrous; I expect this kind of buggy BS out of Rockstar but not out of Blizzard. I re subbed to play and instead I get to sit here and add my hat to the pile saying yes I can’t log in, and I would like to freaking play the game I have paid for.

Same problem here. Annoying to say the least.

I’m seeing this issue on all of my characters. Realms my toons are on include Area 52, Frostwolf, Argent Dawn

its already been an hour and 1/2 man lol

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Hey there! Hope this helps!

Currently experiencing the “Character not found” Issue when trying to get onto one of my characters (on any realm) however when I log in it defaults me to the arena tournament realm (US Mythic Dungeons). I am able to log in and create new characters on this realm. Upon leaving the tournament tab in realm selection I am then unable to go back to the tournament tab as it says my account is not currently flagged for it. The last event I signed up for which granted access was the most recent KSM tournament. Thank you for all of your hard work in getting the servers fixed and for a great patch! The prepatch has been one of the best times I have had on wow in YEARS and I am very excited for shadowlands.

Yes same issue here between 7 and midnight but at 5 in the morning no problem then again tonight between 8 and i gave up after 9 the servers are packed and instead of a login que like every patch since icc im paying for a service i cant use. You would think after 16 years they would learn but hey its taken me 40 years to learn women are a hazard to my mental well being and ive been paying for that too. Maybe i should just divorce wow.


It’s really screwed up that my wife can login perfectly fine but none of ,y characters are found. In fact of all the people I’ve talked to around here that I know play the only ones not getting this issue are ones of who have pre purchased SL.


Same here, none of my characters have shown up since PrePatch update.

BTW y’all, if you want to see a game where customer service is non existent and they don’t care about you and updates are always horrible, try star trek fleet command lol. HORRIBLE

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man, I am so over not being able to log in. Last night and tonight. Character not found every time.


same bro
its so dumb

Getting a queue for the server so hopefully that some good news, still can’t log in yet - “Character Not Found”

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i pre-purchased SL and am getting the issue… sucks all around.

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i had a que just no still all my realms are gone

Second night in a row I cant log onto my characters. Was mildly annoying at first now its extremely annoying. We should at least get 2 days free


I’m dealing with the Same Problems. I have lost all my toon on ever sever


Same for me, I got Dc’d and when I tried to log back none of my toons were found.
Do we know how many people are impacted by this?

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100% agree

Getting a queue for the server so hopefully that some good news, still can’t log in yet - “Character Not Found”