Character Not found

exactly what i was thinking lol…these issues and more are likely to happen launch day. anyone thinking they wont merely because they got ‘resolved’ at pre-patch hasn’t been at previous expansions lol.


Did you see my last post Vrakthris?

Who ignored you or called you a liar?

When are you guys going to get patch day (patch week?) done correctly? I’m not really blaming you specifically Vrakthris, but you, or your organization keeps saying “We’re learning and improving”, but are you?


this seems like their charter servers are down and their realm servers are up.

Also having the same issue. Cant get onto any of my toons. Cant even roll a new toon.

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seems we have a smartass on a alt

Same. Been this way since yesterday.

Guess I’ll throw in too. Barely lets me in then all relms show empty. Cant even make new characters to mess around with. All my toons are missing from the relms.

Thank you, Vrakthris for the updates. Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Thanks for the being super responsive! Could we all list our realms to help isolate the issue? I almost felt like it was because my account was inactive before pre-patch, or because I was in beta. Either way, thank you all for working on it! Looking forward to checking out all the updates.

same same here no toons

just got in,

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I just got in on Arthas. Seems like it’s on the way.

This is bs.

I have this issue also on Destromath. I cannot log into any of my chars.

Still can’t log in, has been awhile don’t you think?

What on earth are you talking about? I’m saying the person behind the screen relaying information has purpose. Where are you getting I don’t care? You’re the one who was telling them to quit their job when they feel validated in their work. You seem to be mildly confused. I don’t like to attack people online but please refrain from posting at me again.

just wait to see what a crapshow Shadowlands will be

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i guess its smoke time man hopefully its fix in 45 mins when im back lol