Character Not found

That one got me

I sung that crap, too

Same issue here on multiple servers. No characters show up in the realm list. If I click on a realm, my characters show up, but when I attempt to sign in, it says Character not found. I assume Blizzard will be refunding us the days that we are unable to play.

Sucks to not be able to play. Hope you guys figure it out soon.

still doesnt fix the response i got back no customer should be ignored or basically called a liar

Thanks for the update! We appreciate knowing what is happening! <3

Same issue here, exactly :frowning: on Azshara

Unfinished product.

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Yep, Agile and Scrum ruin everything. Somehow, Ralph is behind this.

lol imagine thinking this won’t happen again on launch day.


nope they sure wont

sounds good can i get update too if possible

yep, all my Characters are gone too. fingers crossed for a quick fix

Just got in, hosscats. Give it a go

Fake news.

Me too Bro. Tried to switch from one character to another and was logged out and cannot get back in. In fact none of my characters are showing. I lost half the day yesterday to this issue, and now am losing all of my available time tonight. So Blizzard - free 30 day game tokens on the way? Or free TLPD mount? You have dropped the ball on almost every patch and expansion, and I have been playing since 2007. You really need to 1) Get this issue fixed ASAP and 2) Offer something to the players you are screwing out of our subscription time.

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Same thing here on stormrage

aye you are lost, and care only about the present human, you forget that they go home, and will have read all this negativity. I care really. you care selectively and favorably to boost your basic human acceptance rate within your own head in order to score fantasy points with some forum hallway monitor that can magically get you to log in faster than anyone else.

You seem a lot like the president, caring when it matters to care. not when its important.

Are we looking at the same thread? Forums? Twitter? Do you want them to personally call you and tell you they are working on the fix?

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ya Stormrage here too

I don’t know if this will work for everyone but anyone with GEFORE Experience, just launch the game with optimal settings from the platform and it seems to skip the Character Not Found issue. Realm lists still take awhile to load but you’ll get in. Worked for a few guildies.