Character not found

Same with me and I’m also on Zul’Jin

Well, mine loaded. But when loading into the game it kicks me back out saying character not found. Assuming just a login issue.


Man anyone remember when blizz credited game time when their servers were trash?

Crazy how a company changes over time from caring about their customers to caring about their customers wallets.


OMG what if they are gone forever?

now said server is full 5 mins

incoming emergency maintainence

u start over lolololololol DC now i want be lv 60 now blizz for pattice

I spoke too soon. lol

ho now i can log :smiley:

settle down ok?

As long as blizzs boy asmond can stream they dont care if we cant log in. we are just loser paying customers. streamers are influencers and until they cant stream blozz wont fix it

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If you get the black screen you can just wait and get in after about 10 min.

The next problem to overcome is character not found. So far this has been kicking me out on every toon.

Same here on all characters. I mean ALL of them no matter which realm.


Well…league of legs it is!

I think all our toons might be gone for good due to some technical glitch. Why didn’t they back up the data?

This is an excellent opportunity for you to jaunt on down to your local TacoBell™ and grab an ice cold and refreshing BajaBlast®


I can’t load into any toon I have, nor can I create a new character. I don’t have my unlocked allied races either. Guess I’ll just have to wait.

Start over or make this the reason for quitting. XD

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Yep, same problem here. Character Not Found on every toon. Magtheridon server. Funny thing is, my Wife is logged in just fine right next to me lol. Scanned/repaired… restarted… not much else to do other than keep trying I guess.

Hopefully a solution soon.

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i wonder how many characters will go missing?