Character had mail, later canceled auctions no mail 1+ hr

Logged into my bank alt and had surprisingly little mail, but it happens. I now realize I have even more mail undelivered because of my # of postings is so low.

Something else I can try first?

The Full UI Reset would be the first thing I’d try to be honest.

Make sure that you’re clearing out your mail though as leaving thing in there will prevent new mail from showing up too.

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Okay thanks. Looks like I cut out a chunk of my post when I went to edit…

Is mail just disappearing a thing? I’ve never heard of it before, aside from expiring from sitting forever, but that’s definitely not my case

Mail from the AH expires after 30 days. Mail from other players/characters gets returned to sender after 30 and they then have 30 days to remove it before it’s gone for good.

If your mail is within your 30 day window, check to see if hitting the page arrow at the bottom of the open mail window takes you to a different page with your mail on that page.

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