Character Can't Be Logged In Due To Traveling From Chamber Of Heart To Past Silithus

Dumb move on my part, before progressing the Vale of Eternal Blossoms 8.3 intro questline, I had went to past Silithus to check the status of the yearly Scarab Gong event, but didn’t return it to the present before leaving.

The questline in the Vale ends with Ra’Den giving you a unique transport directly to the Chamber of Heart from the Vale, and so when I attempted to leave, I was immediately disconnected upon loading as I seem to be loaded into an invalid location in past Silithus (I get a little glimpse as I log in, it looks like the character is trapped under the map?). That character now cannot be logged into at all as they’re stuck in that invalid position and disconnect immediately. Is there any way to get the character’s position reset? A hearthstone location, Orgrimmar, something like that?

Try using the self-help option to have your character moved:


I didn’t know that was a thing. Thanks! I’ll give it a shot.

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If you haven’t done so already, Gameandwhale, please bug report that issue so our QA team can take a look.

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