Same issue. Shows chapter 7 complete but not chapter 6
EDIT : Oddly, my achievement for Chains of Domination shows that I’ve completed both chapter 5 and chapter 6… so this may just be a quest log display bug. I opened a ticket as well, though, just in case.
I just went to wowhead and stepped through all the quests that are part of “Unseen Guests” and used their questid macro to see if I had all the quests in that chain complete. It seems I don’t have completion status for the 3rd step of the quest chain, “The Dawnkeeper Prisoner”, where you go talk to the prince about Sire Denathrius. It’s just a “go talk to him and hand in the quest” type of goal, though, so not sure how I couldn’t have done that.
Might be on that quest where the bug exists.
I went back to Revendreth and all the NPCs associated with that quest are (not unexpectedly) no longer there, so it’s not something you can go back and do if you didn’t get credit for that quest.
The bug might be that the actual achievement just checks the end-of-series quest for showing completion, where the quest log tracker checks each quest in the series for completion before showing credit.
Can you tell I do a lot of coding/debugging of my own?
I also am having this same issue. My quest log does not check “The Unseen Guests” as complete, yet my achievements page “Chains of Domination” has “The Unseen Guests” as completed.
same issue here, just finished power of night but unseen guests is still not ticked off on my map log despite it being completed on my quest achievements.
Same problem as the rest of you and this has got to be the cause. A lot of people saying it worked fine for alts but not their mains. Characters that hadn’t defeated Sire first were forced to watch the post raid cinematic as part of the Unseen Guests quest line. Characters that did defeat Sire skipped that step. I’m guessing those of us that got to skip that step also missed getting that quest flagged as complete as a result.