I’m genuinely curious, has the return on WoW become so bad that they have to resort to manufacturing less little slips of cardboard? And crossing their fingers that some of these people that used the little slips of cardboard to buy game time will start subscribing and forget to cancel each month? Or did some intern walk into a shareholder’s meeting and tell Bobby he could achieve a .001% profit gain if he got rid of these game time cards and Bobby started rubbing his hands together and cackling maniacally? I mean, if you’re desperately trying to keep Bobby Kotick happy so he doesn’t eat your first born children, we totally understand. We all know his reputation in the gaming industry. Somebody speak out, this community loves the game and Blizzard despite it’s connections to ActiVision. We will defend you.
Don’t mind me, just stopping by to see if they’d offered a reason for this change yet, and nope, they haven’t.
I’m also going to point out that this change has already caused daughter to not ask for game time. She saw a lull in her course workload schedule and thought ‘I could game in WoW some’ but told me because of the change she’s waiting, as the lull isn’t for more than two weeks and she doesn’t know what the time after that will bring yet.
So they’ve already cost themselves $15 for sure at least with this change. She went and just started binging Criminal Minds instead.
The tlp population is pretty good and a couple of live servers. They did just get bought out again lol. I don’t think the game will ever die though, I know people who make a living plying eq oddly enough, with Kronos sells. It’s a strange chaotic game but it’s fun.
Aaaaand thats it for me Blizzard, happy trails! Wasn’t enjoying the expansion anymore anyway. Enjoy greasing Bobby.
It’s official, blizzard is officially worse than EA.
So basically you guys are being massively greedy now we have to pay twice as much for even less your game doesent even have 2 months worth of conent rn lol and you know it what happened to you blizz its okay because ill cancel my one month sub every month* lmao
unpinned so that it eventually get’s buried and forgotten. gg. all i know is i am paying more than a dude with a cc. for reasons? what a greedy move.
I used to buy 180 days to save money. I know Blizz is greedy and let me free to play with my gold. I think many ppl will leave.
…Why not just remove the option to purchase 30/90/180 day time codes for people that haven’t had at least one year of game-time (12 months of subscriptions or 6 60-day time codes) on their account?
That way current paying customers that have been here for a while don’t get screwed over and botters don’t have a $15 game-time option to put on their account unless it was a compromised account.
That post hurt my brain.
I guess quite a few of the people I know who play in Latin America will have to think twice before buying game time as the dollar can be very expensive, and if any of my friend have to plan their budget carefully, they may opt not to buy game time when it’ll be now twice as much they’ll have to pay at once.
You may think :oh but if they were buying monthly, then they can just save up. In reality they could try, but things come up daily that may make it difficult to save twice the amount now, and they may have to rethink if they can afford buying two months of game time when they were expecting to play only one and maybe rest the following.
So, it’s a decision to just kill the game off I guess.
I read about this…I’m not actively playing but to be honest, I never really paid attention to my sub during times I didn’t play. Just kept it active in case I got the itch again. There were several unsubs for a while, but I always came back. And gladly did for xpacs.
This xpac was ‘meh’ so I stopped playing sometime in January I think. But I kept my sub active just in case I felt like doing it again.
I unsubbed a few days ago after seeing this news. The likelyhood of me re-subbing is slim no matter what they throw out there. If I have to commit to two months…thanks, but no thanks. Mathematically it really doesn’t matter, it’s the perception that matters. I don’t like it. So I won’t buy.
I’ve been playing since 2004. I can’t tell you how many months I paid the 15 bucks and I didn’t play a minute. Basically free money I gave Blizz…and really didn’t care much about it. It was the flexibility of coming and going…I didn’t mind that at 15 bucks. Hell, that’s not even a burger and soda these days. But it was my choice…not forced on me. Two months a whack? Nah, pass thanks.
In fairness, the game really isn’t really that fun for me anymore. I like the questing and doing story driven content. Raiding was something I enjoyed over a decade ago. It’s pretty dull (to me anyway) now.
As for the ‘entitled’ nonsense I just read about…holy crap. No business is entitled to do what they want without repercussions. Gee, novel concept.
My sub expires on Apr 2. I have been bored doing dailies and weeklies to the point of not doing them this week. I am not even going to go through everything I had to do to get one character through the covenant campaign to three more times.
With this change I quit the game. I don’t really have a choice. World of Warcraft is simply not a financially viable thing to give my money to with the 30 day game time option gone. Moreover, it’s not worth trying to balance for a game that is falling apart constantly with no new content for another five months yet. Less than a year into the expansion and the last of my goodwill I had with y’all is dead.
And soooo what exactly is the point in changing something that isn’t broken?
I was debating if i could stretch another month out of this patch.
Thanks for making the decision for me.
They aren’t failing. Their goal is to provide a game fun enough for to to stay subbed, here we are. If they were failing so hard in your opinion then you wouldn’t keep spending your time, money, and effort here.
Blizzard can add whatever they want, doesn’t matter if nobody asked for it.
Source or speculation?
You guys really need to stop bashing Blizzard for anything and everything they do. This company has provided an amazing game for nearly two decades and will continue to pump out the best mmorpg of all time.
This isn’t a bad “change”, you can still purchase 30 days time.
Failing is a scaling term. Just because the game is still running on live servers doesn’t mean Blizzard isn’t failing to one degree or another. If you want to be pedantic about it, they’ve been failing for 10 years since they hit peak subs in WOTLK.
It is a bad change, literally for anyone that was buying 3 months or more via game time.
Actually no not everyone can. There are people who legally are not allowed to own a bank account or credit card. And you can’t use the refillable debit cards or blizzard balance for subs… so exactly how can they still buy 30 days?
The answer is they can’t.