Changes to Nazjatar pvp event

I mean…really?

I guess that says all we need to know about their apathy towards BFA at this point.

Moderator erased my post D: i still stand by it, i think you bathe with high heels.



What does ANYTHING else matter? Imbalance numbers…classes…roles…etc…
None of it matters if the server cant handle X amount of people.
None of it matters if you cant click your abilities / move for 10 - 30 seconds at a time.

Sorry, but I haven’t seen the Horde lag out the entire zone before by stacking too many players into one shard.

I have. Repeatedly. Including zoning into Mezz where a horde raid (and potentially more) is camping the portal

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Anytime I am in the zone and the battle starts and I wasnt planning on doing it, the zone lags each and everytime doesn’t matter who is winning

I’ve had lag-free battles with Horde winning.

And laggy battles where I get pulled into the shard with way too many Alliance players.

There was one time when I was actually pulled from the PvE version of the event to suddenly face Alliance premades. Imagine looking at a bunch of NPCs at a node, about to attack them, and then they randomly disappear and get replaced by 15+ Alliance players.

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I’ve never seen lag free battles. Didnt matter who won

I agree this event has become a complete joke!! Prior to Classic being launched I used to win most of them, since Classic launched I lose most of them now. Always 200 ally there and 10 horde. This sharding or whatever is causing it needs to be fixed asap!!!

I´ll call the whambulance. Dialing Whine one one


TBH I like Battle for Naz probably more than anything else in the game atm. Maybe that’s not saying much as I don’t think BfA is very good at all (Legion was better).

I have had a bit more fun on horde side because there isn’t as much lag. But anyone who’s honest will admit winning BfN is simply about outnumbering the other faction. The more you outnumber the easier the win.

Re. the lag, yes, that’s blizz’s fault and responsibility to fix.


You, I like.

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I have had this happen to me many times where i zone into NewHome and die before i fully load into the zone and then it takes me five minutes for me to be able to release due to the lag from all of the Alliance that had zerged NewHome

This thread is awesome.

It highlights how sad sometimes human behavior can be.

Those who are used to winning easily get upset very easily when their “free wins” are compromised in any capacity…

These are the reasons you shouldn’t spoil your wife TOO much :slight_smile:

I do not know what your talking about even before the changes to Naz on my server it was a hard fought battle for both sides. It wasn’t pure horde winning all the time. Now its which ever side can get the most raids into the zone to lag out the other side.

What your comment shows that your just here to start crap like a proper troll. I miss the actuall fun games of fighting and it being so close that either side could win. Now its just overwhelm the other side, lagging out the server and winning in under 10 mins.

Actually not trolling at all.

I have horde toons, and I have alliance toons. When this first started at least on my shards horde always won.

In the rare circumstance that they lost one; the chat was full of insults and crying…

There are in some cases some fun ones but rarely and unlike you I don’t even consider it real PVP just something to do for the points, lol. Win or lose.

Both factions are doing it. I’ve used the portal to Nazjatar and suddenly found myself in the middle of 100’s of horde trashing the Alliance base.

Given how often I find myself in every BfA zone outnumbered 5 to 1 or more by horde, reading horde complaints about bad-ol’-alliance players beating up on them in groups brings tears of joy to me.

In any case what’s going on in Nazjatar is not the load balancing at fault at all. People are creating raid groups and other players are joining those groups, moving them over to a shard where the load balancer may have had a balanced pop but here comes 100’s of players anyways.

And why shouldn’t they do this? No one likes losing and they are going to jump from a sinking ship to a winning ship every time. The balancer does a piss poor job anyways and even if it did a perfect job it would just result in Horde outnumbering Alliance all the time (there are still more Horde WM’ers than Alliance) and not everyone in WM in the zone wants to participate and fight.

I was in a RUIN run raid the other day and we crashed a shard. I imagine that Blizz is probably going to crack down on this and instead of making changes that could make this a really great event that results in natural load balancing, they will either nerf the event or mangle Group Finder. Those are probably the only choices they are looking at: kill the event’s popularity or piss off every raid group trying to pug a few slots for EP.

No no no… just don’t .

When the horde stops doing this, I’ll stop doing this. But that’s the thing, people would rather win than lose, even at something as silly as this. Both Horde and Alliance are jumping from sinking shards to one with smooth sailing.

In any case, I have a difficult time believing that the event logic waits for a BG-like perfect balance of the wm population. Everyone knows that horde outnumbers alliance in non-RP shards and are in a minority in RP-shards. Its more likely that the event timer waits for a 60-40 split and that means without the shard-jumping 1 side is always going to start with an unfair advantage.

There is something odd with this. I dont see many ally when im out but as soon as this event starts its flooded on my server almost every time.
Something is really wrong.