Changes that occurred during vanilla

No what they actually said is that they consider 1.12 the most complete version of vanilla and as such that’s what they have chosen to use.

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Blizzard has stated that they do have pre 1.12 data, but have not specified how far back that data goes.

“This was a good start, but there were issues with how the developers used to handle updates to the database data. Unlike the source code, for which Blizzard had archives for multiple branches of the game that could be worked on and developed as separate pieces, early database data was overwritten with each commensurate update. Thankfully, that problem was fixed very quickly after launch, and when we looked, we found data going back to version 1.12—and even earlier.”

I will say this. If Blizzard can introduce loot sharing in direct contravention of the stated goal of Classic, then they can put some effort into reverting AV back to a version that is, in spirit, more vanilla.

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I much rather they release 1.12 and not mess with things with possible screw ups. I’m hopeful they will release “stage 1” at release.

got you. that sounds great to me. if it helps keep older content relevant that’s fine for me. (by older i mean mc, bwl, etc).