Changes NEED to happen for TBC particularly buffing weak racials

Milk and water are both drinks.

yeah so you would have no problem drinking either right? so you would have no problem with me getting my changes if you got yours right?

Only changes i would be interested to see would be drums/sated nerf and SoB on ally.
im going horde regardless, but we all know what will happen if its left as is
Educate yourself.

Also your last response is you making more assumptions which you’ve been doing non stop.

asking me to educate myself by watching a willie video is like asking me to write a story by giving me a dictionary. also, ive already watching this i think. and also, no thanks. its like 10 minutes of pandering about whatever BS this dude thinks he can ride the hype wave for in that particular week.

stop being so generalistic and abstract. thats the first step people take when they start becoming defensive. its selfishly exhausting for the other party to have to keep up.

You sound hysterical. Maybe get a nap.

LOL I knew you were going to response with “didn’t watch”. You whine, cry and complain about me providing no facts backing up my claim. I link a video that does JUST that and what do you do? you whine, cry, complain and on top of that you continue to make assumptions. I can’t take you seriously and at this point you are a waste of my time, I’ll be passing up on your responses from here on out.

nothing hysterical about wanting lfg, lfr, transmog, ect. in a game where anyone can get any changes they want

is that why you linked it?

because you didnt. also, i didnt whine, cry, or complain. i merely pointing out the factual basis of its existence.

the willie video did not provide any facts backing up any part of any of your claims.

well i guess were about to listen to you lie about it arent we?


none of my assumptions are ever incorrect.

not my problem


thats what i thought.

Actually Human is Dead even with Undead, and Human and Undead are the best racials in TBC for Arena use.

Human Paladin > Blood elf Paladin in Arena also, and I know what you’re thinking, but Khlause “AoE Silence” Not even a factor when you can counter rogues / druids by denying them an open. Its almost a free win, (perception) vs druid / rogue teams of equal skill.

As for Human paladin, Seal of Vengeance > Blood seal for Tanking, most valuable spec for Paladin in TBC because every raid team will have one, and since Seal of Blood’s real bonus is PVE DPS, and Seal twisting does not work, and since you don’t bring Ret for the big numbers, but instead their buff, its a big case of “Who cares” Human / Dwarf / Draenie are just fine.

That happens later on (in a different expansion??) but it does indeed happen, cant remember if TBC or not tho.

Their aura is actually super good, and very underrated in PVE, because it allows the friendly players to gear more aggressively into better stats.

I doubt they will.

The difference between PVE Horde and PVE alliance is basically nothing for the average player and only marginal for the Speed clear players, whom 99.9% of the player base is not.

Overpower has a CD, and overpower is not as strong in TBC Vs high resilience targets, also +1% dodge is actually a decent racial for PVE, and 1% dodge is not great but still nothing to goof on in PVP.

Also No one knows who or what is on the enemy team in Arena in TBC, there is no Arena target frames that detail this before the match so you cant assume “NEFL Warrior” in the gate, in turn they may assume its Mage / rogue or Rogue rogue/ or MAge druid or Druid rogue, they literally cannot tell.

You make some pretty good points. My suggestions were just examples. I still do feel some races need a few minor tweaks here and there to entice players. It’s just in classic, every pvp server was heavily skewered horde. I’m hoping for more balanced servers because the world is alot more fun to play in when you have a closer to 50/50 faction balance. With classic it was 60/40 and sometimes 90/10 in favor of horde.

I do agree that there does need to be changes however I’m not sure of the specific ones that you’re naming are what you’re saying although I’m not gonna lie a lot of them do sound good.

I personally want to see TVC changed I think there is a lot of things that need to be looked at and racial’s on horde side are most definitely one of them.

I personally would and would be an advocate for giving humans all man for themselves now instead of in cataclysm.

Maybe giving dwarf or night elf hunters something specific to like blood fury or maybe command.

Just to kind of help balance things a little bit more or maybe just giving an incentive to play on the less played faction because faction balance is going to be an absolute nightmare I mean hack it’s still a problem now what does that say.

I do agree with you though I do think changes need to be done what changes should be done well I think at this point that’s really up for debate.

I have my own opinions and I’m not gonna go into a list here. But what I will say I think something needs to be looked at at drums of battle, I think dual spec should be in the game, And quite honestly personally at least I would like to see Profession items BBOE on Craft.

Anyway just my opinion

Even if the races were balanced, like they removed racials entirely (I would favor that, its the best fix) the likely hood that one faction would be stacked with all the players is still high because people follow their streamers, or follow their friends, or follow their friends who followed their favorite streamers.

Also because transfers are a thing, the first time a faction starts to win more frequently than the other (now days) the faction that’s not winning will simply transfer off the server because the philosophy now days is Ditch out, instead of the former philosophy of “Get good” a hard reality for a lot of players who will find out that’s the only option in arena where you can’t just Zugzug the enemy team at the same rating.

Because of how TBC is set up, I don’t think the world PVP will be a problem in TBC for those who don’t want to participate because the option to just fly away always exists once you buy a flying mount. That clearly does not fix all the problems for the people who chose PVP servers when they really should have picked a PVE server; either way no matter what takes place faction stacking will just kinda always be a thing because of the server transfers being an open free for all, and also because of the streamers and their followers making certain servers “Faction dominated”.

There will be more not less min maxing in TBC should it actually be a thing, increased gear per raider (people are more inclined to min max when they feel like they have the gear to do so), no world buffs, increased balanced between the dps etc just make it a better environment to min max in.

Everyone who doesn’t have a huge amount to lose (like all new players and returners) will probably roll horde, they have both the best pve racials for the best pve classes (orc hunter/orc warlock) and the best pvp racials for the best pvp classes (like undead rogue, undead mage etc)

This thread is depressing. It’s truly amazing how some people have ZERO interest in fun, or immersion, or the rpg aspects of the game. The only thing they consider is efficiency, min/maxing, etc. Seriously…what the Hell happened to the playerbase? I’ve accepted that kind of philosophy is a cancer in Retail WoW, but keep it out of Classic, and out of TBC.

Well, obviously that’s not going to happen. Blizzard can’t make players unlearn this nonsense. But what they can do is not cater to it for a second time. Leave TBC as it was before. The players who truly want to re-visit the experience and loved the original will appreciate the recreation. The people who make these threads will always find something to complain about. They’ve been doing it for 15 years, and it’s never going to stop.

This is just another prime example why authenticity has to be of paramount importance. It is the universal theme that can bind the project together. Better or worse is subjective; authenticity is not. Blizz mostly held to that with Classic, and I can only hope they do the same with TBC.


i think LFR would be a great addition to tbc. it would allow a lot of casual players to see end game raid content

The problem is this starts with a false premise - and that is “Everything has to be fair and balanced” - but that’s not what made Vanilla/classic fun and amazing.

The nastiest bunch of PvP monsters on Sulfuras is Grizzly and Turbobus who are Alliance, despite the fact that Horde has the better PVP racials. Grizzly said who gives an F and proceeded to dominate at a disadvantage.

I consider Vanilla and Classic to be works of Art - in that they imitate the unfairness of life, the challenges and frustration. People remember struggle and having to work for things. People easily forget when things are too easy.

The legacy of Vanilla has endured for all these years because no-one has ever created a game quite like it. It attracts very high functioning gamers who enjoy a difficult experience. It also attracts a lot of people who think they know how it can be made better. But besides bug fixes, this is basically not possible. I celebrate the lack of balance, the possibility for griefing, the unforgiving encounters in end game because they make for a memorable and fun experience.

TBC is also memorable but it is where Blizzo started to think about making things more “fair” and so to me it is the less extraordinary game.

And modern Wow - “retail” is a pile of garbage that is more interactive experience than actual game. Its designed to be mass-consumed by unremarkable, insecure weaklings who are obsessed with some elusive concept of fairness that doesn’t exist. dumb.

Anyway, TBC still has a few shreds of redeemable attached to it. I would ask that you not try to take that away, and instead stick to “your” game.

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Escape artist is instant in tbc but yeah it can be resist. Shadowmeld is actually very fun on a war for wpvp, but yeah its not as good in arena as escape artist for sure.

this literally happens, escape artist becomes instant and its CD increases because of that

Stoneform was changed during TBC to not remove bleed. Which sucks big time if we go into tbc with the latest patch.

I don’t know if Blizzard should change facials of either faction, but the horde has better racials overall. I don’t care that much I play both factions

The biggest issue are the paladins tho. The horde version is really that much better