Change Trial of Style mini game

I would like to see ToS go to quarterly instead of semi annually.

nah it should be at least 1 per week, it doesn’t provide too much, it’s more for the fun to compete with others with a random aesthetic every time, it’s a fun little feature but wasted due to its iterations.

That’s way too often for an event. There’s a reason why weekly events rotate in games.

I like the idea of once a month at the end of the month. But they’d have to give out a slew of new rewards for it to stay interesting. Which isn’t going to happen.

So we need to think about a pace that works where they can add more to it more often to keep it interesting.


True if you think from a reward perspective, but i think from a POV on which the gameplay is enough to keep it alive, i mentioned once per week bc i know that FFXIV has some sort of tmog challege per week. But i would like any month/week rotation instead of twice per year because sometimes i forgot is a specific week and i don’t take too much participation on the mini game.

The gameplay of the current version of ToS isn’t enough to keep it interesting every week.

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This has always depressed the hell out of me. Mog is a MASSIVE part of why I play this game! EVERY Trial of Style should introduce more cosmetics with how rare it is. Other option: 2x/yr new cosmetics but a monthly occurrence of Trial of Style.


Right now, i don’t havea good incentive on mind to have it every week, but i bring the topic because i like that mini game and those shouldn’t be on the current state.

I think FFXIV provides their version of darkmoon faire currency but they keep it always up and players like to do minigames compared to most of WoW’s old mini games.

Maybe they can add a loot box with gear from old expansions as bad luck mechanic for some transmogs, so they don’t have to create new tmogs every time.

People would get burned out.

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Disagree with this part, I would be good with about one per month and the free transmog should absolutely stay. I wouldn’t be willing to participate in a contest where I have to pay 500 gold every round. And then another 500 to change back to the transmog I actually want to wear.

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When i mentioned that was about outside the mini game.

As much as I would like to see it more often, but until they start updating the event and its rewards more often, I doubt people would run it that much. Still don’t get how an event that only comes twice a year can be forgotten about so much that it’s only gotten how many updates. I mean they can’t even keep the once a year events updated. Until Blizz shows they can meaningfully keep these events updated, keep it on its current schedule. Once they start updating it regularly, then have it more often.

At least from my pov, i don’t feel it as an event, it’s more like a mini game.

Events like holidyas need updates on pve and pvp aspects and also those are reflected on zones with decorations and other things, the trial of style it’s just a queue NPC on Stormwind/Orgrimmar and the free mog cost.

Change rotation too, twice per year for a fun mini game its too low.

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They need to add a new set to buy next round. I think all my toons all have the shirt for winning a round several years ago, so don’t bother unless there are new sets to buy.


Usually players need an incentive, they could increase the event to once per month with DF and let you buy an item that allows a free transmog change without gold when use outside of the event.

Two times per year its too low for a mini game, FFXIV has a glamour challenge each week, but from my understanding it provides the currency required on their minigame zone and the incentives there are a lot and some with high prices that keep players doing mini games all the time.

Trial of Style should be part of the Darkmoon Faire or change its frequency…

It only triggers during 1 week on March then August and that’s all for the whole year.

I’ve always said it should be changed to quarterly instead of semiannually.

That way people don’t get burned out too fast or have to wait 6 months for each comp. However, it being a part of the DMF is a good idea too.

Edit: LOL oops apparently I already said that in this thread. Didn’t see it was a bump :rofl:

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Wait, is it going on right now and I’m missing it? Cause I kinda want one of those beanies. And a real shiny dagger.

The new nexus-look’n polearm is rad too, in an Over The Top kind of way.

No but they put the rewards on the vendor now.

If you have stored ToS currency, you can go buy the new stuff.

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I could have created a new thread or just resurrect this one.

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