Chains of Domination Storyline...That's It?

Some of this is unfair. Like how the jailer is going to use the sigils to unlock something is not so much different how we use/channel other magical effects. Like when I am in SD and carrying a naruu on my back and summon forth a barrier that helps protect me and my party…how am I doing that? When I was helping the night warriors save Tyrande, how was I helping to channel my anima into the horse? The actual interaction of objects and the magical effects can and should just be handwaved away as just nuances of magic.

It also stands to reason that the Jailer is going to remake reality…it’s actually just a blown up advancement of the Ulduar and Uldum storylines. Just like we have a titan artifact capable of wiping out all life on our world, so too must exist a similar artifact that wipes out the universe and allows for it to be reshaped. We know the Jailer’s motivations is to end a cycle he sees as ultimately unjust and unfair and we now also know power does indeed corrupt given that, shocked pikachu face, he instead wants to reshape reality because he wants to be in charge and get off on everyone being made to submit and isn’t actually altruistic.

Obviously the story and patch is a giant setup for the end 9.2 raid and storyline. It could just be your typical stopping the big bad at the last moment with a healthy dose of “but he still did something” and it could be some kind of giant retcon setup to give Blizzard the narrative means to do literally anything they want. My guess is that whatever the jailer is out to do will be stopped but not before he triggers something that’ll usher in the inevitable light vs void showdown (which we also know the light itself is not this wholly good force itself).

I mean if you want to get really meta…look at the lore for Starcraft 2. In it you got this endless battle that ultimately comes down to purity of form vs purity of mind which is reflected in the zerg vs protoss and how both are the ultimate designs of a higher power that really just wants to see their experiments grow and evolve and eventually figure out how to become perfect beings like they are…point being is it isn’t like Blizzard hasn’t crafted a universe like what we’re seeing in WoW before. There have been lots of seeded storylines of the void coming to Azeroth and we even seen in SL that the void is a force that even transcends realities given that it actually almost consumed Bastion itself at one point.

I have little doubt this is the general direction the game is going

I strongly suspect the last chapter was finished at the last minute by a skeleton crew.


I actually like the ending of the campaign. I just think most of the information should have been given at the start of the expansion, instead of this far into it…

Other than the ominous

Death comes for the soul of your world

Yeah I got nothing… the most significant thing is that Snidly Whiplash MalGanis escaped IMO. This expac is still very disconnected from the game I care about.

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You know the storytelling is bad when even 6.1-6.2 had a better reaction. Guldan was a villain worth chasing, the apprehension of Tanan Jungle was palatable, the cutscenes were plenty and action-filled, not just people talking to no end. Things seemed to matter. The only disappointing thing from Warlord story-wise was Archimonde coming out of nowhere being a last boss that didn’t make sense and an actual lack of more story, cuz let’s be honest the story there was was good, I mean seeing the Hellfire Citadel getting engulfed by fel really made me go “Oh damn, something’s happening!” and here I’m just “Ok Anduin is not full-time controlled, so what? Where are we going, what’s happening? What is there to look forward to?” you know?

I don’t mind people talking, I mind it not mattering. This seems very meh to me.

In game sorry telling IS low key so bad.

Every week it’s one chapter then “find out next week on DBZ!!!”

Story should be fully available on patch release or at least all but final chapter leading up to the raid be available and final chapter available on week 2 or 3 after raid release

I think this patch the story didn’t even lead into the raid till weeks after raid was released


Well , when i saw same type of hole in their chest at beginning of expansion, i thought that jailor was in the place of arbiter. Arbiter seemed like a robot/construct to me from start. when he changed his purpose other Covenant leaders stopped him. It was pretty obvious to me.
but anyways you are right about the general stupid story telling.
I did not do last chapter of campaign, but blizzard still did not explain what jailor was doing, why did you changed, why did they sent him to maw? it was a stupid decision imo. Sending a bad strong person to a bad place and covenant leaders don’t have control over there to check. He will get the control and start ruling there and scheming.
Did we learn what hit arbiter and stopped working?
So many missing information…
If i would play wow for its story, i would just quit right away :slight_smile:

See, a game shouldnt leave you feeling this way, you should want to have content, not be happy when you dont have to do anything. Going zone to zone should be be fun and rewarding. But we are all here like… thank goodness i didnt have to play the game to get my ingame chores done today.

Too much credit. I think they just ripped it from some some fanfic they saw on DeviantArt.