Celebrate World of Warcraft® During the 20th Anniversary!

Monk looks like there is a red version of T2 armor but then there is a pic of a green version. Are we getting color variations of these armor sets??

I’m so looking forward to this. Great job Blizzard!


you basically owe us blizzard! it was that time were you basically shoo’ed us away with shadowtrash xpac!

May we know why there is a seasonal cap for this limited time currency, after saying we can work towards earning them all?

Blizzard Employee Service Award cosmetics looks the best gift of this 20th…
only brand new looking reward it is…

So finally get a Hi-rez Judgement set? So happy! And that DK set looks amazing.

The Demon Hunter sets need to be completely remade. It’s the same level of quality as Legion leveling gear, and putting it beside some truly great remakes and original new sets, just highlights how terrible it is.

I mean, I feel the same way, though I am enjoying TWW so far. I just didn’t expect much at first. :sweat_smile: This anniversary looks like it’ll be solid.

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It’s great to hear that old anniversary rewards are returning, but I’ve seen no mention of the 15th anniversary Worldbreaker mount returning. As this is the one reward I haven’t gotten owing to IRL circumstances, it’d be nice to see it return as well, please!

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I’ve enjoyed it so far but didn’t have a lot of excitement before going in. I am looking forward to the anniversary now.

I don’t know if I agree that “everyone loves BRD” from the video.

I have farmed that raid an insane amount of times. I’m pretty sure there isn’t a thing that drops from the current version I haven’t gotten.

I hope they updated the items to reflect newer modeling, that could be very nice as there are some great tmogs to be had if they do that.

The fights are interesting but having done it 100s of times, I’m also hoping they change some of the mechanics to make it fresh but still nostalgic.

Agreed. No way would a DH trust the Warlock to be behind them :wink:

Yeah, I was neutral going into this expansion. Figured I’d let it speak for itself.

WTB Priest staff Benediction

Hows about throwing in a lich king armor mog set? And you forgot the Frostmourne mog :crazy_face: :popcorn:

Ill celebrate when you change alleria back.

I’m torn. The image is great with three of the greatest villians in WoW history. And then Thrall just standing dead center.

Paladins are going to go insane trying to decide between mogging the updated Judgement set, or the Arathi Set.

Wow, I must be overtired or burnt out as all I feel about this is ‘meh’.

All I see is earn coins by doing all this stuff you never do, oh wait you never do them so guess you’re not getting the stuff.

I don’t raid or pug, and saying chainmail sets are for evokers when all the lizards can wear are belt, hat and shoulders is a laugh.

Yup, I am definitely tired.

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This looks great!

Yeah, you are. This was way more than I thought they were gonna do personally.