Celebrate 15 Years of World of Warcraft With New Alabaster Mounts!

What I’m saying is, as a consumer, this is a slap in the face for value of asset and charging their customers $25 for it.

Just because I won’t buy it, doesn’t mean I can’t voice how ugly, uncreative, or lacking it is. For $25, they could’ve done something else.

I can’t find any reference to a TCG mount anywhere accept the card game, which is not the store. You couldn’t even xfer till at least TBC for certain, but I think it was WotLK. So you’re going to have to prove it.

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It really comes down to a matter of principle. It could have and should have been available through an achievement. “Thanks for staying loyal to our company for 15 years, to show our appreciation here is another mount on the store for $25.”

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This just isn’t true. There are so really nice mounts in the game, you just choose to look at all the bad ones in the game and compare them to the good ones from the stores.

When you put 500 or so mounts into the game, they aren’t all going to be to your liking.

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You go to blizzard, you say “hey i wanna get that mount ingame” they say “No, buy these packs with irl money, until you randomly get it, then you can have it ingame”

You see that as fine, but
“I want that” ok buy it “alright i bought it”
is bad?

Also Server transfer was end of vanilla, Race change was tbc, and faction change aswell as the celstial steed is wotlk. I cant link but go to wow wiki and look at charecter transfer.

In mid 2006, Blizzard Entertainment began the Paid Character Transfer Service, which is sometimes referred to as PCT.

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Canadians don’t say ‘mate’ either. That person stole that from aussies.


When you look at the trash the alliance got for faction mounts this expansion (re-skinned x3) and you compare it to the mounts added to the store like the Vulpine Familiar can you see why the playerbase is saying wtf?

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Why do you have 48 post so far when the next highest person only has 12? Some kind of Blizzard apologist or just a troll?


That’s Activision/Blizzard for ya

Thx for the heads-up Bornakk. I didn’t see it mentioned but perhaps it would be good to point out that the mount can be purchased with Blizzard Balance? That’s how I bought it anyway…

Alliance got great mounts, 8.2 has ton of super amazing mounts, also so did 8.1 but yeah we did get a fair few horses, but us Rpers actually really liekd that, we needed more updated horses, cause seeing everyone on the same 1 horse sucked.

Some guy mentioned on the forum that he was buying them out and hording (yet he was alliance) them for resale later. This is the same issue with all non-digital collectable items since forever.

Exactly they went from a company who appreciated their playerbase to a company that peddles out mounts to its payerbase instead of content.


nah im just working on a video and keeping this open, its hilarious, also idk how to compile posts like others… it would mean i could cut down my post count by compiling like 3 rsponses into 1 post.

i mean they have pebbled out mounts since vanilla.

Also we literally just got a massive amount of content wtf

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Vulpine familiar is far from matching many of the in game mounts. Also why are you focusing on just faction rep mounts instead of available in game mounts?

No I can’t. Because the game also got the Jaina mount and the bee mount and the frog mounts and the auction house mount and the wheel mount along with others.

SOME people just keep looking for things to complain about.


World chore content < good content that is engaging and fun to play.

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52 now… You’re a bit triggered eh? Might want to take a breather eh?

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that is something i love, that people are fine with the brutosaur cause “it can be earned ingame” for 2000$ worth of gold, but if they put it on the store for even 1000$ people would be rioting and sending bomb threats to HQ