Celebrate 15 Years of World of Warcraft With New Alabaster Mounts!

Take both models, and put them side by side. They are actually the sasme.

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nah only some pets and mounts have had charities, the first mounts and pets had nothing to do with charity.
search up wowpedia charity, and you will see what pets have been charity events.

I mean if quantity is what youā€™re happy about then have at it. To me that doesnā€™t scream ā€œkilling itā€ though.

So you want us to celebrate paying $15/mo for 15 years by paying for your mounts in the game shop?

Hmmmm :thinking:

I agree, those mounts should be given to us when the Anniversary comes around.


Yes thatā€™s what they want.

Damn, I put ā€œmostā€ there in my head, must have accidentally edited it out. But you are right, though most did. Particularly around the Cataclysm era.

we are already getting 3 of them then.

None of these 3 mounts are free, you have to complete raid wings ā€¦

Free would mean I do nothing but log on and mount up

we have these models already in game ā€¦ the textures are the only difference

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only pets have been part of charity, there was a bundle that was pet+mount but only the pets money went to charity, the mounts didnt.

Pandaren monk, moonkin hatclhing, cenarion hatchling, cinder kitten, alterac brandy, argi, brightpaw, mischief, shadow, and womper.

Ones that didnt are capā€™n crackers, Blossom ancient, soul of the aspects, lilā€™ ragnaros, and lilā€™kt, aswell as allthe store mounts, and transmogs.

Toys were for the tournoment.

so should we just likeā€¦ log in and get everything for free?
Literally log in, do 3 lfr wings, and a single classic alterac valley, banm 3 mountsā€¦

How more entitled can you be?

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You have to complete raid wingsā€¦ So no it isnā€™t free! in order to raid you need a subscriptionā€¦ So again no it isnā€™t free

Itā€™s not a matter of entitlement, itā€™s a matter of you understand what FREE means and knowing the difference between a new model and an existing model

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Would you agree that their current model for mounts is good though? If next expansion, they produce another 120 mounts within the first year, of which a lot are aesthetically pleasing to you and another 6 mounts in the store is ok?

Thatā€™s the whole point. We arenā€™t going to control whether or not we fall in love with every single mount since thereā€™s such a wide player base but the fact that Blizzard is putting out so many mounts with such a wide diversity is a GOOD THING.

By his logic all mounts in the game are ā€œfreeā€, when in fact what they are is CONDITIONAL.

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Thought there was more than that but itā€™s starting to split hairs, I think the logic of ā€œStore pet/mount + Charity = Goodā€ ā€œStore pet/mount - Charity = Greedy Actiblizz Badā€ being the general attitude of the forum dwellers holds true.

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so you want literally them to just give everyone a mount, for just logging in, but wait you dsaid not even just logging in, for existingā€¦ wtf?

Also no, its literally a new model, just stop.

Its not just the cashgrab via store mounts. They should have them in store for those who choose to pay for them, and have them available in game as well.

You can. its called the wow token.

Oh boy! really? they do still teach reading comprehension in school right?

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