CE Raiders LF Guild

Greetings my friends and I are currently looking for a CE raiding guild on horde only. We’re transferring off of the Alliance faction. Our current guild didn’t work out for us as we hoped. They fell apart at Ashvane. Our best pull was about 65% or so. We’ve logs and they can be linked upon request. Our available classes are listed below. We’re looking for a guild that raids three days a week for nine ours a week, the raids must start after 9pm EST.
The two paladins would prefer to stay on their paladins however they do have alts and can swap if absolutely needed. All three of us understand what it takes to raid at a high end level and are will doing what it takes to raid at that level.

Classes / Neck Levels / Progression / Item Level / Specializations

Mage -
Spec(s): Fire > Frost
Neck: 59
Item Level 437

Spec(s): Holy > Ret > Prot
Neck: 62
Item level: 433 - 437 ( Depending on Spec )
^ Alts: Fire/Frost mage - Boomy/Resto/Bear - Fury/Arms/Prot

Spec(s) Holy > Prot > Ret
Neck: 59
Item Level: 433-438 ( Depending on Spec )

^ Alts: Brewmaster / Windwalker - Shadow / Disc

Add my Btag, Aracalea#1428

Ruined Immersion raids ONE day a week and does mythic keys, island expeditions, and various other things throughout the week. As a bonus during raids one of our tanks has players roll at half time for 100k gold and whoever wins gets it. Now how many guilds can you say are out there that offer an incentive for raiding? If this sounds like something you might be interested in check us out below: