CE raider coming back from a very long break LF guild

Hello my name is Jake but in game i go by Fire. I used to raid and do high keys last xpack but this xpack i found very boring so i really did not play at all and i am looking for a guild i could come back and work my way up to being a raider. i can play alliance or horde. I can heal dps or even tank i can fill a role your missing or looking for. My priest is only 264 but i would love to find a guild that would take me under their wing and let me prove them i deserve a spot on the main roster. any day anytime past 2pm works for me. I have discord as well.

My raiding history.
AOTC -Sanctum, Castle.EP Uldir Argus TOS TOV TOT HOF TOE Vaults
CE- Garrosh 10Man HFC EN and Nzoth

Can reach me at discord Statefarm206#5576 or Bnet StateFarm#11657
Thank you for your time

Hey fire,

I would love for you to check us out. Ill send a discord request and hopefully we can chat, will also leave our info below!

hope to hear from you soon

Well hey there Jake from Statefarm.
Kudos on the name, well done :smiley:

I sent you a discord request! Looking forward to chatting with you!

Hey there Firecircle, not sure what level of Raiding you are looking for but I am going to drop our recruitment thread below for you to check out. We are a one night a week raid team that will focus on a more casual, but organized raid environment. All we ask is 3 hours of your week for some fun and boss kills. Give the thread a read and reach out if you have any questions or interest. Sending a discord request as well.Best of luck in your search :slight_smile:

Hi Firecircle,

Death Jesters, a 17 year old raiding guild would love to have you apply! We’re an old-school guild that has been a robust and thriving community with our sister guild, Zeroes to Heroes.

We have always prided ourselves on being a very small, closely-bonded mythic guild. We have a long history of raiding and have achieved numerous server firsts and top rankings. Many of us have been raiding together since Molten Core or previous MMOs

While no where as hardcore as we used to be, we’ve been playing some casual mythic on a 2 day raid schedule for Shadowlands.

The team’s desire is to go back to CE for Dragonflight and make some great progress in S4. We’ve had the same leadership for 17 years with players that are multi Hall of Fame, CE, and even those that are newer to mythic raiding.

We raid:

Fridays & Saturdays 11:00pm-2:00pm EST.

If you’re interested or looking for more information, feel free to message any Death Jester officer: Sparty (BattlenetID and Discord: Sparty#1780), Featherpile(Discord: scenario#5608)

APPLY HERE: https://forms.gle/w8guAWConqGwGQZ1A

Hello Fire! Check us out, I think we might be just what you are looking for…

Dark Exiles is a newly founded guild on Bleeding Hollow, with a experience leadership that are veteran raiders and M+ players.

We are looking for members who are interested in PvE content, such as mythic plus, as well as mythic raiding.

We are close to clearing all Fated heroic raid bosses with our main raid group, and have a normal raid group that is full clearing Fated normal raids weekly.

Our heroic raid group (Team TP) is 9/10 FHCN (should be 10/10 this Thursday), 7/10 FHSOD, and 6/12 FHSOTFO. Team TP raids Tuesday/Thursday 7:30-10:30PM Eastern Standard Time. The only thing keeping us from attempting mythic bosses is our lack of members. Our heroic group is looking for dps and healers who are flexible swapping between heals/dps.

Our normal raid group (Taco Team 6) is 10/10 FNCN, 10/10 FNSoD, 12/12 FNSotFO, and raids Friday/Sunday 7:30-9:30PM Eastern Standard Time. Our normal group is looking for dps and healers who are flexible swapping between heals/dps.

What are your plans for Dragonflight?
Since our normal and heroic raid groups raid at the same time, we plan on having raids at the same time (7:30pm EST)

The only difference for Dragonflight is that we will not have a designated raid end time, and we will be raiding nightly the first few weeks. We will pug who we need to to fill missing roles so we can push content. Our goal is to full clear normal the first week, with most of heroic and possibly a few mythic bosses. We will continue raiding nightly until Christmas, and will go back to raiding on Tuesday/Thursday 7:30-10:30PM Eastern Standard Time.

Also, with the new complexities of Dragonflight crafting, we are working on getting specialized crafters set up in our guild Discord. We would love to have players who are interested in working their specialization around for the guild, so we can support each other with gear and crafted items.

What if I am new to the game and have never raided or done M+?
We built this guild up from scratch. Many of our players were new to Shadowlands, undergeared, never raided, or were brand new players to WoW in general. I am extremely impressed with our leadership team, as when we started raided our raiders were barely able to clear normal raids, and now we almost have all heroic bosses on farm.

I am very confident that we will be able to teach more players how to raid and be successful, and we find great satisfaction in gearing players and bringing them up to preform at high levels.

Why join Dark Exiles?

  • We have a quickly growing community that supports each other to do content such as leveling, quests, M+, raids, achievements, mounts, and pet farming. There is always something to do and usually no lack of people in the guild willing to help you.
  • We have weekly events where you can win gold prizes, such as transmog competitions, fresh character races, and scheduled achievement runs.
  • We have an active Discord where we share pictures of our pets, guild achievements, transmogs, and post important information, as well as hang out in voice channels!

If you are interested in joining, please feel free to add me!
Discord: Drummerthing#5497
Battletag: Drummerthing#1906

Thanks for the opportunity to hear about a new MYTHIC raiding guilding that formed on A52. Every new expasion new and returning players struggle to find a place. Well we are building that place and looking for like minded people to build and join our community.

Dragonflight Raid Schedule:

Wednesday 7pm-10pm EST

Thursday 7pm-10pm EST.

Monday 7pm-10pm EST

Btags: Recruitment - Aiakos#1689
Discord: Recruitment - Toxic#1705