CE player LF Bench/Rotational Positions

I am Veteran player who have played actively since WOTLK and have previous CE experience and a lot of mythic raiding tier XP on multiple toons.

I have most DPS toons at 70 and enjoy playing with different groups of people across OCE servers.

In my free time, I enjoy watching boss kill videos on YouTube, reading content on various class discord and studying the top
Logs of various class/specs.

I enjoy trying different specs and classes and getting good at these specs over time.

If I sound like a good addition as your bench/rotational:

These are the times I’m available

Mon, Wed, Thurs.
9.30pm server time onwards.

Sat, Sunday
3pm server time

Hey mate add me on discord to chat more Agrestiic#0020.
We raid Wednesday/Thursday 7:30-10:30 for the first 8 weeks then 7:30-10 for the tier.
Currently 5/8M looking to push CE next tier

Hi Evillilac,

Check out our recruitment post here ->> The Collective - [H] Barthilas > Mythic Raid Recruiting (+Keys, PvP, Guild Events & More!) - #10 by Zermatt-barthilas

Presently raiding Monday/Wednesday, CE Raid Leads and Crew,
8:15pm - 10:30pm Server Time both days. Multi-Tiered Raiding Teams forming, heaps of options in Guild with limited Core Mythic Prog team spots still available - would love to chat.

Again, more than happy to chat ; heaps on offer, plenty to discuss and would be glad to send over more information via discord regarding the Guild and the grand plans we have for 10.1 and beyond.

You can reach me on Zermatt#4262 via Discord, alternatively reply through here and we can take it from there.

All the best!


Days are good but only able to start from 9.30pm SVT onwards

Hey there I’ve seen your days are only mon / wed / thurs but thought i’d ask you anyways just incase. Our guild raids thurs/sunday 9:30pm-12:30pm NSW time, we are currently only 5/8M however started 2 weeks ago. We have a full 20 man team however will be running 23 raiders and completely missing a warrior dps / boomie dps and would also be open to a second warlock. If you’re able to flex on the days feel free to contact me on Select#0256 (discord) cheers

Thanks for reaching out. I can’t make Sunday reliably due to family commitments