CDew said "2400 in Shuffle is an entry level rank in PvP"

As a healer main, yeah it happens a lot. “Elite” players too with elite titles. Doesn’t make any sense when the #1 rule should always be don’t die without pressing buttons. But if it happens once maybe that’s okay. But 2-3+ times yeah we have a problem. Awareness. Which in this meta since it’s so fast people struggle to react.

What’s low rating?

Not sure, I guess I am supposed to start out with 1100 rating or something?

Yeah mmr is 1848 but I guess me having a handful of games and winning 70% rounds on a new class is ‘low rating’ idk I just kinda moved on after that.

The high rated streamers have a vested interest in YOU participating in pvp… Its their full time job and how they make a living…

A car salesman wants you to buy a car…

2400 in solo shuffle is like 1800 in 2s or 3s

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I think most of these “ELITE” players are riding dirty… And if they represent the player base, its all for sale and corrupt…

Just play for fun, PvP is dead and they did it…

2100 in 2s last season is 1700 in 2s this season. It’s horribly out of whack.

My first 2s game this season I saw 2 glad mounts run out the other gate gg

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The streamers will say whatever supports their viewers, subs, and donations.

Where ever the pay piggies go, they follow.

Can you stop necro’ing this spammers useless thread


Even in 3s, before solo shuffle, 2400 was entry level, so he’s not wrong.
But yea, agree that 2400 in RSS is just as valid as those other brackets.

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Are people still not aware of how terrible of a human being he is? lol

Literally quoted out of context and ppl are still mad. Rent-free i guess.