CDew said "2400 in Shuffle is an entry level rank in PvP"

Okay you don’t want to sit in LFG. What does that change? Nothing. You can literally bot in SSQ and just press W and achieve high CR because you are playing with random players and you do your job as DPS. That’s all it takes.
I am pretty positive that you won’t do same in 3s for obvious reasons.
Also Cdew talks from a healer pov and we all know how healers feel about SSQ. There is a reason why you have to sit in 40 min ques, because people save their def cds for next game even on 2.4 k. You can always tune to his stream and witness it.

Wtf is a SSQ bot? I didn’t even know you can do that.

And why would someone even want to bot 3s? It’s a dead bracket, virtually no one plays it besides the same people season after season which is why any achievement from there is meaningless to 99% of players.

All i’m pointing out is that Shuffle has 100k+ players, therefore if you hit 2400 the highest achievement rank then you are at the same level as 2400 in any other bracket because there is MORE competition and it’s a lot harder to get compared to 3s where you are forced to just play meta every game otherwise the AWC team rolling meta will farm you.

I don’t get what’s hard to understand?

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RSS is just a garbage fiesta with randoms where zero team coordination happens outside the “lets go x”. Which can still be fun.

But getting some weird ego over your new high ratings and trying to spread this propaganda that RSS is harder than team 3s or is the only rating that matters is just silly. Pretty sure every high rated player who has played the game long enough will disagree with you.


Just get 2400 this morning with very minimal effort in solo shuffle meanwhile hard stuck in 3s around 1900.

Virtually no one cares if you’re high rated or not in this dead MMO, sorry.

All i’m pointing out is that a MAJORITY of players are in Shuffle therefore the ratings you earn there will always be more relevant than ratings from 2s/3s.

That’s not propaganda, that’s just pure facts.

That’s because no one plays 3s so you’re forced to play the same meta comp over and over. Gz on 2400.

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BBoomer how many addons do you need to play the scripted 3s for you.
In your smalll bracket LUL

Wow is not dead just scripted 3s are more Deadge

I’ve seen his stream, his UI looks like a fighter jet cockpit. Idk how anyone watching can follow along, someone who’s never played WoW will see that and insta-Alt F4.

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People have different ui which work for them.
I bet if they have made 2s and 3s brackets without dr trackers, cd trackers and weak auras more would play and it would have more variety.
You just play and see perfectly on milliseconds cc on dr is stupid.


he is on his way of realization, gonna take some time for full convertion but it is inevitable.

Yeah agreed.

I would’ve used my Twitch prime but I can’t support Arms Warrior players in this meta.

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I’m not just an arms warrior, I’m the Primus himself.

Twitch prime for the Primus.

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I feel like you don’t make people feel special enough when they sub, I expect the streamer to literally be crying and shaking with excitement when my sub goes off.

Be grateful I supported you, know what I mean?

I want to see a 10/10 reaction, not just a “Oh hey Zoozuu subbed. Nice.” while you go back to spamming 140k MS crits.

A single tear of joy falls from my face with every sub. I just don’t use a cam.

Become Vtuber

that 140k crit was for you buddy

That does make me feel special.

Still throws me for a loop how many addons this game has/people use. I finally got some PvP addons but the first match I queued my game crashed so hard it reset all the settings. F for my solo shuffle partners.

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Oh no. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

I wonder if it’s one of the many “my teammate was AFK for 2 rounds then left the arena so I lost a ton of points without the chance to earn them back, how can I report them for being a booster” threads.