Never said that RSS isn’t easier.
But the dude on 2,2k RSS thinking he can EASILY hit 3k in a week is just cringe.
I bet he can’t even hit 2,4.
Never said that RSS isn’t easier.
But the dude on 2,2k RSS thinking he can EASILY hit 3k in a week is just cringe.
I bet he can’t even hit 2,4.
i’m not saying people don’t queue shuffles or stream shuffles
infact everyone good/bad is playing shuffle in general because you can just press q
i’m just saying there’s no positive impact because it’s low quality stream content if you aren’t a healer because 30~ minutes at a time you’re literally just sitting a queue
idk what this weirdo casual random battleground main faction pride thing is but i don’t subscribe to it
Dude you don’t even play the game to see difference just smooth brainlet trolly who posts crap to argue and have some attention because everyone avoids you.
Bye ignore seek attention from someone else.
??? i have so many games played this season it’s kinda bad
are u ok?
If you cant see how scripted 2s and 3s thanks to addons and can’t see with how shuffle works despite these addons it is ever living evolving moment to moment gameplay.
And if you can’t see that you are just bad.
Who cares what other people think about you’re rating in a sub format of a game mode, just try and have fun. Gatekeepers will always be gate gatekeepers and continuously kill their own community
The cringe here is palpable. I reckon this is the mindset of everyone who sucks at shuffle.
You meant 2s or 3s.
Because I love solo.
Yes but I reckon you suck at it.
The irony is that, while not being comparable to 3s, there’s still significantly less people 2400+ in solo shuffle than there were glad mounts awarded in BFA S4 and SL S2/S3
But season in progress. We will see what numbers are like at the end.
all of the weakauras, gcd trackers, and friendly/enemy cooldown trackers are probably even more useful in shuffle so i think neither of us have any idea what point you’re trying to make
RSS is a joke.
Stay in your 3s BBoomer
Bye you can’t see difference
Moron alert…
Did some quick calculations 2400 ss roughly equals 1600 in 2s and 1500 in 3s.
who u calling a boomer
It saved this garbage PvP scene.
It all we had was LFG and 3s, it’d be even more dead.
It is far more difficult than 3s, 3s is just deflated meta-chasing garbage.
It’s really not. Again, you probably just suck at it. The most difficult part of solo shuffle is gauging how stupid your team is. Will said player play like garbage? Does the healer not understand that they need to use defensives on DPS? Are you going to sit a triple chain CC without a dispel? Will the warrior constantly break your sheeps and swap targets to something with every defensive up?
This is the crap you see in solo shuffle and it has continued to happen well into the 2800 range.
I don’t even queue it because none of my friends play this dead game and the ones that do don’t play PvP because it’s just the same garbage season after season.
There are over 100k+ in Shuffle ladder and less than 3k in 3s, it’s a dead bracket with the same names chasing the newest FoTM while streaming to their irrelevant twitch channel.
You getting top rated amongst 3k players makes you the tallest midget in the room, no matter how big you think you are, you’re just a tiny little speck at the end of the day.
Getting top rated in a bracket with 100k+ people is far more impressive.
Weeks later people are still attempting to hold a coherent dialog with the burner bait alts.