CC Thread: Dungeon and Raid Solo Accessibility for Old & Current Content

That could work well I think so long as we get NPC that are smarter/more useful than Velen in the Kruul MT cause that dude is dang useless

They’re quite good, though FF doesn’t have DBM or stuff like that so they make you learn the fight mechanics. I’d say it’s harder than WoW due to nature of doing both class mechanics properly alongside raid actions.

But I can say for certain the Trust system helps a lot. Someone can in theory do the story fully solo (would they want to? maybe/maybe not) but they have the option to.

This is exactly what I want to do - the story solo.

This is a good thing for the most part. One of the things I addressed in my post is that many many people get super anxious about making a mistake with the encounter mechanics, get lost going places, etc. It can mean they are too afraid to group with others, esp strangers. Learning as you go in a solo version can be a path to group play for some.


Yeah, having spent most of my game history being healer, and occasionally tank pugging is suuuuuuuper toxic at times and it makes me very much so not want to do it, cause I play to have fun, and I like healing, but being screamed at because ‘you didn’t heal me’ cause I was healing the tank and the hunter wouldn’t get out of the snot on the ground kinda…ruins the fun

I only more recently started playing DPS because it’s less pressure if you need to do group content (which, any more you are kind of shoe horned into if you want to progress/complete story/get anything fancy)