Catch Fish in Broken Isle for the Traveller log not working

I had similar difficulties, but it only seemed to stop registering my catches after I started the world quest to catch lively mossgill perch. Switching to another character fixed the problem.

Iā€™ve tried on 2 different toons 1 in dra and 1 on B.I. and nothing. Last night I logged in to check it and my AJ is missing from all but 1 toon

Thanks to a tip from another player, I was able to finish the Broken Isles achievement by fishing in open water off the dock areas in Suramar. I also finished the Draenor achievement after unlocking the first step of the Fishing Shack in the Garrison.


Thatā€™s a good idea. I was able to do Broken Isles today without any issue but Draenor has given no credit no matter where but I havenā€™t unlocked the fishing hole in the garrison so maybe thatā€™ll work.

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Yeah, fishing in the garrison without doing the short quest chain to unlock the Fishing Shack yielded no fish, but I was able to complete the achievement after doing the quests.


It worked! Iā€™m getting credit now and I can fish in the garrison so I donā€™t have to fly around.


Not working in Broken isles but worked at garrison today.


I have mine unlocked on multipe toons and it didnā€™t work. But that was early today Iā€™ll try again in a bit

Itā€™s working now in Dran but still not in B.I.


I got credit in Draenor, but no credit anywhere in broken isles. Itā€™s still a problem.

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Iā€™m so frustrated! I was ready to knock these two fishing things out! Uuuuugh! Not working for me in the Broken Isles. I will try the Garrison thing though. See if that works.

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I was able to get fishing to count in draenor if you fish in your garrison

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I had no issue with the quests when I used toons that were in the respective Chromie time.

Nighthold in Suramar, stand inside the large fountainā€¦ after flying around trying various spots I found this one to work. Also in Draenor unlock Garrison fishing and fish in there. both of these worked at 3am mountain time 07/14/23

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Draenor wasnā€™t working for me (Jul 14) but then I did 2 things:

  1. I got my shack lvl 1 and did the daily
  2. bought a fishing rod and equipped it in my Fishing Journal
    Not sure which one fixed it for me, but Iā€™d say it was the daily quest because it gave me a +1 to fishing and might have kicked the counting process into gear.
    GL all, hope it helps
    edit: turns out itā€™s only counting in my Fort fishing pond, so it might be that.

Draenor worked for me. Specifically in your Garrison, behind the fishing hut. I completed it last night.

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I was able to finish this today at Margossā€™s Retreat in Dalaran. Although I tried this a few days ago and it didnā€™t work, it does now. Perhaps they have fixed it.

Although the Big Fountain Goldfish did not count for the quest, the Silver Mackerel did.

Draenor fishing I was able to fish in my Garrison and that worked for me, Legion I am still trying to figure out, some have said in the class hall,but I am a fire mage and we canā€™t there. :frowning: Good luck!

I discovered today (7/15/23) that you must fish in your Garrison in Draenor at Margossā€™s Retreat in Dalaran to get credit for these trading post items. I hope this helps!


It was working for me on my Legion timewalking campaign character. I made a new warlock (because of course I did) and had them level through Legion and got credit fishing in Highmountain.

I can confirm that Margossā€™ Retreat works for this. The Big Fountain Goldfish does not count towards it nor does the Drowned Mana so if you fish those up and donā€™t get credit, it is working correctly.