Catalyst charges... for first dragonflight patch

Yall think we can still use the catalyst to get transmog for tier for the first patch? And it not interfere with the second tier patch charges?

As a transmog collector this would be a nice way to collect the tier for the first patch. So I would like to know if those patch 1 tier charges will get erased? Or will their be another catalyst for embers?

If it ends up being like it was in Shadowlands, the gear itself just becomes locked and incompatible. If I’m remembering correctly.

The Catalyst wasn’t a thing until the very last season, so there was nothing to lock, because there was no season after that.

There hasn’t been word on whether or not we’ll be able to use the Catalyst for old season tier transmog or not. At least, not that I’ve been able to find.

Editing and adding that I did link the official announcement about this in post #22, but I’ll also add it here now that we have word:

I thought it was introduced season 3?

It was introduced with Zereth Mortis and Sepulcher of the First Ones, which was the last raid tier of the expansion.

But we also had the Fated season after that, which did not introduce a raid.

Idk, I barely remember crap from that expansion. Soz, OP.

Correct, there was no other season of raid tier after that, so no new Catalyst for them to concern themselves with like this time. :slight_smile:

i am thinking they might leave it there for mog unlocks but with the new gear might move it to the new zone

That would be lovely.

I’m really confused.

Mentions the Creation Catalyst. There was a whole season after season 3. Yes, the bonus would be the same. And the catalyst stayed open with all remaining charges. But it was a whole new season of gear to obtain.

There was not a new raid tier and nothing new to obtain. Just Fated versions of the exact same gear.

At an increased ilvl threshold all around. No one was using season 3 gear by the end of season 4.

Incorrect. Not everyone was getting Fated gear and there was no new gear to change in the Catalyst. It’s the same raid tier, just different ilevel.

What’re you talking about? There were 3 raids in rotation, 2 of which did not drop tier. There was a whole new rotation of M+ dungeons with a brand new loot pool. There was a whole new PvP season.

Correct. And again… Sepulcher was the last raid tier. Thus, there were no changes to the Catalyst.

  • Your 9.2 Tier Sets are still active in Season 4, and the Creation Catalyst will remain on with all of its accumulated charges. Tier Tokens won’t be added to Castle Nathria and Sanctum of Domination, as you’ll be able to upgrade any item you get to a higher ilvl piece of Tier just like you can on live right now.

Yes. But you could not catalyze gear from season 3 during season 4.

IIRC it was confirmed in a semi-recent interview that you’ll be able to use the Catalyst an unlimited amount for Season 1 appearances going forward or something.

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I’m not sure how many times I can say this. There were no new raid tiers added in the Fated season. Sepulcher was the last raid tier. The Catalyst worked the same way. I literally quoted Blizzard for you. That’s all I can do for you.

You’re arguing against an argument I’m not making. That’s a you problem.

You aren’t making an argument. So it seems to me that you simply do not understand how it worked. There were no changes to the Catalyst for Fated, because the gear from ZM, M+, etc. could be turned into Sepulcher raid tier.

There was no new raid tier. A higher ilevel is not a new raid tier.

There were no changes to the Catalyst.

  • Your 9.2 Tier Sets are still active in Season 4, and the Creation Catalyst will remain on with all of its accumulated charges. Tier Tokens won’t be added to Castle Nathria and Sanctum of Domination, as you’ll be able to upgrade any item you get to a higher ilvl piece of Tier just like you can on live right now.

There’s not much more I can add here, so I’ll leave it at that.