Hi there, Bathroom Blitz is a new guild created from friends from various guilds looking to create a semi hardcore tight knit 10 man team pushing Cata heroic 10m content. We’re looking to clear all content in a fast and efficient manner while having fun.
Majority of us are 12/12 HC ICC 1/1HC RS on 25m and cleared everything during Wrath on multiple toons, some of us are former CE retail raiders.
We’re looking for individuals with decent raiding xp (doesn’t have to be current), a can do attitude and are flexible on what’s required. The ability to learn/adapt on the fly and not make repeated mistakes is what we’re after. Preferable to be willing to level an alt aswell.
You don’t need to have decent gear right now given it’ll be irrelevant in a few weeks, commitment is the biggest key.
The group has a lot of banter and can be a blast with people from all over the world so hopefully you can join in.
Current Prog: 13/13H
Raid times: Thurs/Sats 11pm-2:30am (ET, Faerlina server time)
Needs: Holy Pally
How to contact: Btag Selvallis#1819 or (Pref) Discord DM Selvallis#4039