I’d go Cataclysm.
What jousting quest?? I don’t like vehicles though, so this might not be the suggestion I take :x
I loved Pandaria. From the look and feel of the zones to the various quest chains and NPCs you encounter. I also really enjoyed the culture. It was just a lot of fun for me.
It’s in Hyjal and you get a pet. Two pets if you run it with two different characters. I love the quest and think it’s fun.
Ooh, yes! I remember now! The little bird, right?
lol Tovi beat me to it. Here’s the quest. It’s a reference to the old Atari game, Joust.
Wow I am doing Hyjal and by God I forgot how cringey the quests were.
I personally enjoyed the leveling story for cata more than mop but if mop is what’s calling to you do that. No matter your choice, you can always change your mind and switch at any time