Cataclysm Classic Launch Notes - Updated June 4

Hopefully no more mage tuning for the love of god!! Turning into the SoD hunter right now.

When will the R14 armor be available to transmog? There’s no mention of any date in the post, and I would’ve assumed they’d be transmoggable on launch but we still can’t use the appearances.


Can we get a fix in RDF, lower Dungeons have been bugged sense pre-patch. I made several topics on this and not one answer from any blues.

Same here. I scheduled my ingame activity and when I was going to go back to sit next to trainer specifically around the STATED start time, and they blew it all up by dropping 10 min early and ruining everything.

Any update on fixing the transmog for the marshals gear? The appearances are still only tied to the replica gear, not the original gear.


Added to the OP—

Baradin Hold Lockouts

Added June 4, 2024

In this first phase of Cataclysm Classic, Baradin Hold allows players to complete both the 10-player and the 25-player versions of the raid each week. There is not a shared weekly lockout between the two versions of the raid.

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That’s great and all can we get a fix on RDF it’s been bugged sense pre-patch made several topics but not response from any blues. the levels in RDF are also out of wack and friends can’t level up together because of this.

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The promised ability to transmog pvp gear is not live. Can we get an update on that?


Still no reply or addition to known bugs? C’mon blizzard.


This is STILL not fixed. It was one of 4 things mentioned in the pre release notes, and we can’t even get a reply on it now? PLEASE give us an update?


Where are those rank 14 transmogs at a month later?

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PLEASE can we get a response @blizzard. We just want our transmog enabled.

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Is there any plans to fix RDF it’s been bugged sense pre-patch it’s been over a month still nothing.

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Been so excited to raid <3

still not even a comment on the r14 transmogs :frowning:


It’s not even stickied anymore, it’s time to get buried

instead of balancing classes out so more people would PVP they just said F it lets kill the 2v2 and 5v5 brackets. Blizzard only knows how to kill the game but not fix it i just don’t understand

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This is a classic relaunch game.
If you want patch by patch class balancing then try retail?
2s and 5s has been needing titles gone since forever, 5s was filled with wintraders and 2s is unbalanced garbage no matter what xpac.

Retail isn’t even balanced. They been nerfing classes here and there for Cata and its been bad! all they did was make other classes stronger than they were

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Cool man thanks for telling us.