Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - September 24

What about the other numerous bugs that have been a plague on cata since the first cata beta patch!!!??? Why havent those been addressed?


Lol theyre a small indie company that had to lay off 75% of there employees and now the few devs that are left are chained to the walls in the basement forced to run on hamster wheels 16 hours a day. to keep the severs up


No, we can’t. :frowning_face:

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when will this actually be fixed to regularly work? it’s insane how on certain fights elemental shamans just don’t get to do good damage because the fire elemental just goes afk or on Omnitron keeps attacking the boss with a shield up and then switches to the 2nd boss after it gets its shield up

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We are officially 5 days from October and we’ve had ONE round of Firelands testing. No word on when Firelands is going to come out, no word on when we are even going to get another round of testing after you’ve made us do Tier 11 content for four and a half MONTHS. How is this acceptable to anyone at Blizzard?

Not to mention the number of other bugs that have been ignored. Cataclysm has a much stronger playerbase than any other iteration of classic WoW, yet you continue to ignore it. Wake up, do your jobs and be better. This has been a pathetic effort on the Classic Dev team’s part.


Well this is week 20 so its more like 5 months

5 months of Phase 1 is absurd

They think its ok because they gave us 2 5 man heroic dungeons for the last 2 months!!!

actually the player base has dropped each expasion.

We have had the same bugs since the first beta patch!!!
Also blizzard can you FIX FERAL DPS???