Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - October 9

Then it’s a slight nerf, but overall a buff and/or makes Elemental much more consistent.

It’s a nerf on Cho’gall, because we’d prefer for it to stick to Cho’gall himself and not swap to the add.
It’s a slight nerf to Alakir, easy enough work around to not flame shock the stormlings however. Otherwise this might be a buff depending on when it’s placed during P2’s trinket procs if it initially tried to attack a stormling.

It’s a massive buff on Omnitron due to you being able to use it now that it won’t break shields after the first 45 seconds of the fight.
It’s a sizable buff for Magmaw, the it would frequently freak out whenever the exposed head came down due to them being two different targets.
It’s now more consistent on Nefarian due to how it would decide that it’s just going to target the adds and be either full value if it went on Nef, or zero if it went on the adds.
It’s a buff for Halfus, it will now properly swap to the correct drake in the priority list instead of RNG which one it hits next.
It’s both a buff and more consistent on twin dragons, it will now swap to the newly landed dragon as well as there’s no risk of it accidentally trying to target the one in the air the entire fight.
It’s a buff for AC due to making it able to get off the low boss.
It’s a more consistent on Sinestra due to you can force it to always be on the boss instead of it deciding to target the whelps.

I think every Ele Shaman will take the nerf on Cho’gall, a fight where we’re already really strong for the fire elemental to either be buffed or more consistent from this change on Nef/Ala/Sin/AC, even more so considering Cho’gall is an easy fight this tier and it’s directly better on the 4 hardest fights.

That and with our T12 being based around the fire elemental, with it being inconsistent there was a legitimate cause for concern of Ele being benched the entire tier. If the fire elemental decided that it was going to target a shard, fire seed, or living meteor then sit there and do nothing the rest of the duration then we probably were getting replaced.

14 transmog,14 transmog,14 transmog. It is the most important thing for me. even though warlock AOE is trash and mage need neef. but 14 transmog 14 transmog 14 transmog.

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Not sure about other shamans but the “hotfix” didnt do jack on bot run I did on my shaman earlier today… it was still sitting on valiona while she was in the air and I had FS on theralion…

I guess this will take effect after the MT?

Ok so why is searing totem not fixed it’s annoying AF having to place it after combat starts just for it to activate

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lol more importanlty why isnt arch fixed ?? its been broken for over 13 years

please can we have booty bay guard damage and hp nerfed to beable to farm rep solo. they hit for 50k a melee.
also wargaives transmog please

Actually it’s really cool when old gear from the previous expansion is powerful and fits into a build. That is very RPG like and fun for players to discover. Character progression doesn’t need to be just an item lvl.(this is boring) It could be some old item with a proc or that adds a huge benefit.

only way we found to combat this on ours was to have a paladin with rightous fury bang on him for 30-40mins to gain agro then lure away from the guards get someone whos got no gear on to hit him then paladin logs off and naked player dies causes helix to reset tedious but the only way with out gm intervention

this didn’t seem to be working on my Omnitron kill just now, i would swap to the new boss and put my flame shock on it but the fire elemental never swapped until the first boss shut down and then it went onto the 2nd add that was getting the shield

Haven’t checked the rest, but “Bounce”, “My Very Own Broodmother”, “Help the Bombardier! I’m the Bombardier!” are now achieveable! Thanks for the fix!

ty for fixing some of the achievements.

More than a week with no hotfixes is kinda wild. How’s SoD coming?


July 3, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue preventing the completion of the Bounce achievement.
  • Cataclysm raid premade group activities are now available in Group Finder.

Thats it? after almost 2 weeks…

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What a bizarre note… this was fixed a few days ago now, on top of like… a pile of other achievements being intermittently fixed at random.

…are you guys even doing that?

So when ZA and ZG are being released? says “july” according to the roadmap… considering that it’s already in the game I highly doubt it needs some testing… or we’re going to have to wait until sod p4 releases?

Also, clearly shows that all the development resources and time is being on sod considering the massive radio silence and lack of fixes for the past 2 weeks… it’s okay…

PS: still “waiting” on those archaeology “”“fixes”“” that were mentioned in the Q&A before the release btw… :dracthyr_shrug:

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Lol this will defentaly need to be tested!!! even tho theyll realease it in a broken state anyway. Just like they did with cata people where on beta where reporting massive bugs and nothing was done.

Yeah i gave up on Arch honestly i broke 1200 DWARF solves and have not seen the staff!!!

We go from June 21 to July 3 and only get two hotfixes, despite a veritable litany of issues? Can you guys please focus on your actual progression servers and forget about the little niche spinoffs for a moment. Cataclysm could use some love.


Any chance of getting the r14 transmog issue resolved? It was announced in pre-patch, and is still not available. There is currently no way to transmog to these graphics. The original announcement said it would be available from the regular gear, and we would not get replica vendors.

Most of us would be happy with either:
A) follow through and allow the transmog from the original gear.
B) implement the replica vendors in area 52.

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guess we’re not getting anything until SOD is out