Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - March 28

And i actually do you just refuse to read.

I actually acknowledged that sims are not 100% accurate. But that doesnt mean feral is going to drop from A to F teir once it isnt a patchwork fight.

Everyone loses dps from mechanics and movement. Not just feral.

But you want feral to be S+++ teir because then you might be able to out dps your tanks.

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But yet you still keep referencing them! Im going off the Current data that is avaible and the fact that feral has been sitting as F tier damage for the last 6 months! These are facts. You keep trying to bring up something that you addmited to not being 100% accurate.

Because current parses do not have a single feral dps anywhere near bis so its a better reference than current parses.

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Lol Feral has been F tier for 6 months and they continue to be F tier threw out Cata. They need a buff

No, they don’t, you just need to get better at the game.

Feral was S teir in origional cata at the end of FL, until it got nerfed in DS then it was A teir. Once a feral is near FL bis they will do MUCH better, but you likely wont be seeing gear of that ilvl until LFR DS is handing you free FL H equivalent loot

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Feral need to be buffed. Current standings according to WCL have been constant for the last 6 months as feral is F tier damage!!!

And the last 6 months was not with near FL bis. But you dont want facts.

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Don’t forget a large portion of that data is tanks dpsing in sub optimal gear and specs dragging the average down like an anchor. People who are geared for dps and know how to play it do very well for themselves.

Also please bring this topic back to the other 2-3 threads you made about this.

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I posted the comment here so that the devs see it and stop ignoring the fact that feral are F tier and need a buff!!

Most feral druids run 2 seperate specs and sets of gear for tanking and DPS.

December 9, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Alysrazor now has additional safeguards in place to teleport her to the ground after being defeated and allow her corpse to be looted.

Are Crystallized Firestones dropping as they should in 25 man? I swear our two ten man teams have seen three times as many Crystallized Firestones with less Heroic kills than my 25 man has seen with 16 Heroic Kills. Talking to others it does not seem to be just bad RNG on our part, it legitimately seems like the drop rate was not increased on 25 man, but it was on 10.

Can we get confirmation one way or another?

December 11, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue with Shatter and Frostfire Bolt that caused other spells to sometimes benefit from Shatter when they should not.
  • Fixed a problem with the Hunter 4-piece Tier 12 set bonus where its effect was not being properly consumed by some Shots.

You guys are lame as hell for this.

Way to be on top of fixing a bug that makes a fun but completely nonviable spec actually decent in raids. If only you fixed other bugs as expeditiously. You literally let locks have an entire tier of bugged glyphs while demo was the top spec in the game by a mile for single target but frost had to be fixed right away. LOL!

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so this is why frost mages jumped up in the charts wonder is WCL is going adjust those logs.

Please put Firelands in a post nerf state. The sweats got their enjoyment, please let the rest of the player base get the content down.


way to early for nerfs

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Normal is there for you

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I think they should start rolling nerfs out as a slow roll.

Example, give the easier heroic bosses their nerfs. Wait a few weeks, give a few of the nerfs to the medium difficulty heroic bosses. A few weeks later give all but rag their nerfs. Then a few weeks after that give rag his nerfs.

So it would still be about 2-3 months before rag gets his nerfed.

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I’m 7/7h since week 3. I am asking for this for when I pug my alts and the groups are unable to get H Shannox/Beth/Alysrazor down or if they happen to, it’s very scuffed. The majority of classic is built around casuals and I’m still surprised Blizzard went with the pre-nerf state when nearly all the previous raids have been post-nerf… I believe ICC was the only example of this not happening but they started rolling the buff at week 8 and I think that’s a good time to start the Post nerf status for Firelands.

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That’s not true at all. We got pre-nerf T4, pre-nerf T5, T6 never got nerfed, 30% buffed T7, pre-nerf and buffed T8 (and it never did get nerfed), T9 and T10 weren’t nerfed.

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