I was surprised at balerocs tuning inspite of having a few lockouts when we reached him. Fully expect them to ease up a bit soon.
The Hunter hotfix created another problem. 4-piece Tier 12 set bonus “Burning Adrenaline” is being consumed by the free Lock-n-Load proc, which usually happens at the same time making the 4-piece almost useless. Please fix this! Lock-n-Load free Explosive shots should NOT consume Burning Adrenaline, but it is…
Any update on hunter 4pc being fixed? I have been intentionally passing on teir in my raid because i know its broken.
Love how their last hotfix, nearly a month ago, actually just broke something else and has not been addressed since.
The one intern who is working on Cata Classic was away for the holidays.
That’s a long vacation for that one intern, nearly 45 days since they hotfixed anything. Pretty unreal.
February 21, 2025
Cataclysm Classic
- Addressed an issue that could prevent player credit for planting a Smothervine during the quest “Aggressive Growth”.
- Fixed an issue preventing Jewelcrafters from learning new recipes from Tome of Burning Jewels.
- Dungeons
- Fixed an issue that was allowing a second globule being killed after a Cobalt Globule is killed.
- Baron Ashbury in Shadowfang Keep and Temple Guardian Anhuur in Halls of Origination no longer summon Blood Globules of Shu’ma.
- Added Necromantic Focus and Apparatus of Khaz’goroth to the Obsidian Fragment vendors.
- Updated the Gift of the Blue Dragonflight buff:
- Reduced the max stacks of the damage buff to 5 (was 10).
- Greatly increased the frequency in which the damage buff stacks.
- Updated the damage buff to grant 25% increase damage per stack.
- The damage buff now starts stacking when not moving for 5 seconds (was 10 seconds)
- Reduced the number of Forgotten Ones that spawn to 2 (was 3).
- Further reduced the health of Mana Voids.
- Fixed an issue that was allowing for the Mana Voids to easily move out of bounds and become non-targetable.
- Shaman
- Elemental Mastery and Fury of the Ancestors (the Elemental T13 2-piece set bonus) will now correctly be removed when swapping specializations.
- Fury of the Ancestors (the Elemental T13 2-piece set bonus) will now correctly be removed when pieces are taken off.
Thank you for the notice! We suspected that some bosses were “blacklisted” from spawning the bloods, it will be nice to keep a complete list for clarity.
When are we getting LFR?
Compared to release, the twilight H++ are sooooo much easier.
They actually feel like 359 ilvl people can do it. Will still be rough, but doable.
Can we get the mana voids fixed now so they return mana, even when killed quickly?
Feels extremely buggy at the moment, and even a small amount of cleave from a stronger group pops the void instantly, which more often than not, leaves man’s classes with no mana.
Also need a fix from ooze hitting boss, spawning adds, next ooze he doesnt get that ooze again, still spawns adds.
Have had it to where we kill dark, he gets mana void, then next wave there is no cobalt and he still spawns another mana void.
February 27, 2025
Cataclysm Classic
- Fixed a bug preventing Fragment of Deathwing’s Jaw from dropping as intended.
- Added a way for rogues who defeated Deathwing prior to the hotfix above to be able to get their missed drop. Near the entrance portal of Dragon Soul there is now an Elementium Fragment that will spawn when Deathwing has been defeated. This will allow rogues who meet the following conditions to retrieve the Fragment of Deathwing’s Jaw:
- The rogue is currently on the Patricide quest.
- The rogue has killed Deathwing before.
- Deathwing has been defeated in the instance.
- Protocol Twilight Dungeons
- Updated the Gift of the Green Dragonflight’s stacking healing buff (Verdant Restoration) to now increase healing done by 20% per stack (was 10%).
- Damage-over-time abilities can now generate stacks of Verdant Restoration but not remove stacks of the damage buff (Verdant Surge).
March 20, 2025
Cataclysm Classic
- Dragonsoul
- Claws of Go’rath should no longer eject players out of the world.
- Ultraxion
- Players are now able to use abilities that require being behind the target against Ultraxion, regardless of positioning.
Why… Oh WHY is there still no mention of the green fog that still plagues DS… Why?
that was fixed on reset afaik
According to whom?
Lol, why would this be mentioned in a random thread complaining about the issue and not also be mentioned in bug fixes they “supposedly” perform. Week 4 is when they fix an unplayable bug… I’m just giggling hard at this point.