Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - September 5

Killing machine isn’t always causing a crit.



Can we get a fix on RDF it’s been bugged sense pre-patch Deadmines gone at level 17, I read someone went to Strat underleveled. Other dungeons are disappearing before there max level. I made several topics on this and not one answer. Here’s a screenshot of my shaman in SM Library but I can’t que for it because of the RDF bug.

please fix the dungeons achievements and maybe give us warglaives to transmog

I can confirm that Deadmines is gone before the max level is gone.

June 3, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Honor rewards from completing a random battleground or a holiday battleground have been increased by 100%.
  • Fixed an issue with Admiral Ripsnarl’s visual effect.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the completion of the achievement Acrocalypse Now.
  • Priest
    • Atonement healing will now de-prioritize pets, and will only heal them if their health is very low compared to available player targets. It will treat them as if their health percentage is 50% higher when evaluating targets.
    • Fixed an issue with Shadowy Apparitions that prevented them from being summoned under certain circumstances.
  • Shaman
    • Fixed a problem with Precision where it was granting an unintended additional 1/2/3% chance to hit.

Any idea when we might be able to transmog to the R14 gear like you guys said we’d be able to?


Thank god we fixed that, wouldn’t want to actually make the game playable, it is better to make everyone feel safe in a literal world of WARCRAFT where demons, unfathomable horrors and death litter the landscape…


Just in time to remain behind!

ok that is a start, what about the 7 other bugged dungeon achievements?


still no fix towards worgen barber shop sick

Weekly Valor did not reset for myself and others I’ve seen in chat. Others report it did for them. Please fix asap!

EDIT: Logging out of B-Net launcher completely and logging into another character fixed it. Not sure if it was either of these or timing. But it’s fixed for me personally now.

its not just deadminees, tons of dungeons are bugged like this, rdf matchmaking is buggy asf too

At this rate I think they will still have unfixed Cataclysm bugs when they release Mists of Pandaria.

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And still no hotfix for random dungeon finder :neutral_face::neutral_face::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

you fixed Shadowy Apparations? why do they still suck then?

I made several topics on this on my pally but not one responds from any blues it’s been like this sense pre-patch and not one community manager has addressed this yet. People can’t do dungeons with their friends because of this. FIX DUNGEON FINDER IT CAN’T BE THAT HARD!!!

We just not gonna talk about the balance druid nerf with today’s changes?


Anyone else having issues retrieving character from server? I’m facing a black screen without my characters from Pagle and with the loading bar progressing halfway then disconnects me after 5min.

I’m playing fine on SoD today and last played cata yesterday.

lol, they just want to gaslight: