Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - February 27

June 3, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Honor rewards from completing a random battleground or a holiday battleground have been increased by 100%.
  • Fixed an issue with Admiral Ripsnarl’s visual effect.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the completion of the achievement Acrocalypse Now.
  • Priest
    • Atonement healing will now de-prioritize pets, and will only heal them if their health is very low compared to available player targets. It will treat them as if their health percentage is 50% higher when evaluating targets.
    • Fixed an issue with Shadowy Apparitions that prevented them from being summoned under certain circumstances.
  • Shaman
    • Fixed a problem with Precision where it was granting an unintended additional 1/2/3% chance to hit.