Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - February 21

I was surprised at balerocs tuning inspite of having a few lockouts when we reached him. Fully expect them to ease up a bit soon.

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The Hunter hotfix created another problem. 4-piece Tier 12 set bonus “Burning Adrenaline” is being consumed by the free Lock-n-Load proc, which usually happens at the same time making the 4-piece almost useless. Please fix this! Lock-n-Load free Explosive shots should NOT consume Burning Adrenaline, but it is…

Any update on hunter 4pc being fixed? I have been intentionally passing on teir in my raid because i know its broken.

Love how their last hotfix, nearly a month ago, actually just broke something else and has not been addressed since.


The one intern who is working on Cata Classic was away for the holidays.

That’s a long vacation for that one intern, nearly 45 days since they hotfixed anything. Pretty unreal.


February 21, 2025

Cataclysm Classic

  • Addressed an issue that could prevent player credit for planting a Smothervine during the quest “Aggressive Growth”.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Jewelcrafters from learning new recipes from Tome of Burning Jewels.
  • Dungeons
    • Fixed an issue that was allowing a second globule being killed after a Cobalt Globule is killed.
    • Baron Ashbury in Shadowfang Keep and Temple Guardian Anhuur in Halls of Origination no longer summon Blood Globules of Shu’ma.
    • Added Necromantic Focus and Apparatus of Khaz’goroth to the Obsidian Fragment vendors.
    • Updated the Gift of the Blue Dragonflight buff:
      • Reduced the max stacks of the damage buff to 5 (was 10).
      • Greatly increased the frequency in which the damage buff stacks.
      • Updated the damage buff to grant 25% increase damage per stack.
      • The damage buff now starts stacking when not moving for 5 seconds (was 10 seconds)
    • Reduced the number of Forgotten Ones that spawn to 2 (was 3).
    • Further reduced the health of Mana Voids.
    • Fixed an issue that was allowing for the Mana Voids to easily move out of bounds and become non-targetable.
  • Shaman
    • Elemental Mastery and Fury of the Ancestors (the Elemental T13 2-piece set bonus) will now correctly be removed when swapping specializations.
    • Fury of the Ancestors (the Elemental T13 2-piece set bonus) will now correctly be removed when pieces are taken off.
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Thank you for the notice! We suspected that some bosses were “blacklisted” from spawning the bloods, it will be nice to keep a complete list for clarity.

When are we getting LFR?

Compared to release, the twilight H++ are sooooo much easier.

They actually feel like 359 ilvl people can do it. Will still be rough, but doable.

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Can we get the mana voids fixed now so they return mana, even when killed quickly?

Feels extremely buggy at the moment, and even a small amount of cleave from a stronger group pops the void instantly, which more often than not, leaves man’s classes with no mana.