Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - September 9

Wait so the grind for pvp in vanilla classic was pointless because the pvp mogs are avaiable for everyone now? Can you make tier 3 and scarab lord available for a small amount of honor points as well? Maybe the gladiator mounts too for bc.


does it really matter the transmogs arent like out of this world anyway…

these dev’s need to focus on more real things than transmog “prestige” anyway…

Yea kinda, I mean some people think the armor looks good. Kinda like an elite gladiator set but for people who grinded hard in vanilla. It can’t be that hard to .npc add the correct NPCs in area52 with the replica gear with the correct extended cost value for the people who earned it. Especially since it’s existed for years. I’m glad it’s available now but it should definitely be for the people who grinded for it. Devaluing things is poopy.


Well tough luck there. I don’t give two rats about transmogs or mounts on classic… again these dev’s need to focus on things that ACTUALLY matter and not cosmetic “prestige” non sense.

Idk man seems like a 2 second fix. Anyways, hire me rq so I can fix it and make people who care about classic transmogs and mounts happy.

August 7, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue where Faerie Fire did not deal intended amounts of threat when used on NPCs targeting another unit.

Out of all the problems feral druids have your fixing this one!?!?!

On the next episode of PUNKED! … Feral Druids!!!

One thing. Out of the hundreds of issues floating around in the bug report section, y’all managed to fix one? Frankly, I would be embarrassed.


They hired a developer who worked previously on internet explorer

It’s been 74 days since the release of Cataclysm, Make that 95 days if you consider prepatch as well

And tracking of honored kills, as well as every achievement that tracks them, be it individual or guild achievement, is still not working.

But they have time to fix… druid faerie fire…

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That’s hilarious. What buffoonery.

So you guys can fix Atramedes being cheesed by using gongs before he has a chance to land but you can’t fix Council not dropping fire lines for the whole tier?


We can’t have bugs that benefit players, that simply can’t happen

While on the subject of things not working for months, today is day 106 of any honored kill related tracking, like for achievement, be it a individual player achievement or guild achievement, not working

Dozens of achievements are affected by this.

August 23, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue preventing Darkmoon Faire quests from resetting as expected.
  • Darkmoon Faire quests now reset weekly.
    • Developers’ notes: This means that, each Darkmoon Faire holiday, players will have two chances to complete each of these quests.

Id also like this fixed. Was really bummed out that it still isnt working.

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Does this mean we can benefit from 10 profession skill points per Darkmoon Faire, as long as we do it between resets?

EDIT: Just checked, it DOES reset the profession quests.

If anyone wondered how much dev effort Cata is getting, check out the SoD hotfix thread in comparison to this one!

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This “fix” was never deployed? I have to YET SEE my elemental targetting the other dragon…

Why are you doing these fixes? just give elementals a hunter pet bar and let it be finish…

September 5, 2024
Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed issue with Guild Herald and Guild Page not being able to be learned by multiple characters of the same faction on a given account. Players affected by this bug can now buy these pets from a Guild Vendor at a discounted price. Players who were unaffected will still pay full price.

Horde can’t get loremaster because Feralas has a phasing issue that was an issue in original classic as well based on the comments. the NPC Sensiria is broken… again…

Would really appreciate someone changing the 5 to a 3 in 45 Feralas quests achievement, real easy fix and it’s only two quests less so very little work and very little affect.

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