Cataclysm classic confirmed

It’s actually over for classic, isn’t it :dracthyr_crylaugh:

I dunno man, I started in Cata and I am looking forward to this nostalgia trip.

Just about everything I have heard so far is Blizzard being totally disconnected so, making Retail- I mean, “classic” Cataclysm fits perfectly.

Wrath boards already got a bunch of people upset. Not shocking at all as Cata is 100% on Retail and undoes the need for a classic server in the first place. Toss in those crazy class changes they are talking about and it makes Classic a total joke.

Oh, so you’ve pivoted to “the sky is falling” because it happened?

It must be dying? It’s not even out yet.

What a miserable lot, you are lol.

Also, wasn’t I ignored by you?

See, retail players always gotta make themselves known, they literally cannot stop inserting themselves where they aren’t wanted. You need to be heard, otherwise you’ll die or something.

Maybe they’ll announce classic+ next Blizzcon. Never give up hope. :dracthyr_heart:

I laughed when she said " we looked and listed to all the feed back " and then they played cata trailer , since like no one wants cata lol

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Problem here this were sub started to declined and that where they rushed and gave us DS and that was a meh raid.

I got exactly what I wanted.

More Classic, with changes.

I’m not a geriatric that’s fused into retail, pretending it’s still an MMORPG.

I’ll take level 25 content over retail grinds in a heartbeat. There’s dungeons to do and a social element.

No one on Twitch is doing retail either, all classic streams.

The younger folks wanna play Classic, and I’m glad. I wouldn’t dare direct them towards old-whale-collection-simulator.

I half agree… the leveling yes, but there have been several system and QOL changes since then. Also, fingers crossed if they do another revamp.

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