Cataclysm Classic Beta Now Live

It’s ironic you posted this on a retail character

I only post on one character. No reason to swap between them.

That’s not what I was talking about.

It’s ironic cause retail has continued what you claimed was classics downfall… Because Cataclysm retail happened 14 years ago

Budd! No!

suddenly the ship disappears, dumping a screenful of confused players into the sea

(my first launch-day memory)


I’m saying it’s the end of classic, for me, not that it’s classic’s downfall.

I personally don’t have interest in going past Wrath of the Lich King for classic, and never did. I have retail, I don’t need to relive every expansion, I just wanted to do vanilla and TBC because I didn’t play them in end-game back in the day, and Wrath is where I truly fell in love with WoW.

I was excited for Cataclysm when it originally came out, and all subsequent expansions. I don’t need to relive them all and recollect everything. My nostalgia trip ends with Wrath.

Don’t put words in other people’s mouths.


goodbye wrath.

bring back tbc please man


Well said, I feel the exact same way.

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I’ll do it for the Heroics before the nerfs.

Too bad there wont be any of that… since they are probably starting from 4.3 patch and whatever custom number they use…

Shadowlands Classic Beta… SOON!!


That I ticked off constantly as a Disc Priest in Tol Barad. :grin:

This is the first version of Classic I want to play.


I did. Class design and content were peak in MoP.

As for cata classic, i have some hopes for what they’ll do for it. Like add the unreleased Abyssal Maw raid, and then throw it on the live servers for timewalking.

Won’t hold my breath for the underwater raid though (hue hue)


Oh boy, can’t wait for classic shadowlands. Somehow I think it was all part of the jailers plan.

Cata aka the death of WoW Classic

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Classic ended when Cata started.

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I often say nothing would surprise me anymore. But it would surprise the heck out of me if Cata Classic became popular enough to support multiple servers.

Rich, coming from someone who posts on an unleveled classic character to hide what his armory would show about his current playstyle, or lack thereof.

I’m personally more hyped for The War Within. I haven’t really played any Classic since it originally launched. Except for the Death Knight starting area quests for Wrath Classic to get that limited edition Frostbrood Proto-Wyrm mount for retail.

Largest reason why, Is I prefer newer content that retail provides. I do plan to check out Classic Season of Mastery sometime. But other than that, I’ll stick to retail. :slight_smile:


can we have tuning for retail please or you simply dont care the DH are a aberration currently

Can you do some server for people who love leveling as their main game? Like maybe stacking +25% xp every alt you get to max level and the goal is to get a ton of alts to level cap?