[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

Both characters are still broken :,)

They denied my refund :frowning:

They provided you a premium bricking service

Nice how quick they are to deny refunds lol. WTF is going on at Blizzard.

Yeah. Next time I will remeber to take a look at bug forum before buy something.

looks like blizz took the boosting services off the storeā€¦ i suspect they do know about the bug and simply refuse to comment

nother day nothing changes

I boosted before looking, shame on me. My professions are also borked 0/0.

Also purchased faction change & transfer, which apparently has a 72 hour CD. A complete refund for all 3 service purchases would be peachy and I will just reroll!


Still thereā€¦I did it this morning :frowning:

So, after several days the professions show up as normal again. not sure why or how, but mine are working again.

No they didnā€™t, still up for me and my professions are still broken.

Both still showing 0/0 this morning and they did remove character boosts from the store with ZERO word on why or any public statement that this stuff is broken.

ya im having the same issue with my character i boosted his professions are at 0/0

This could possibly be a promising sign. As peopleā€™s professions begin to work again as yours supposedly have, they may be able to use that data to figure out the root cause. But maybe just wishful thinking.

Bump. Professions still bugged. No fix in sight canā€™t even get a tweet acknowledging the problem. Good thing they got the classic store mounts up and running though.

still 0/0 on my First Aid, Mining, Skinning.

Bah, mine are still bugged. Wish theyā€™d hurry up and pay me back, at this rate Iā€™ll not be ready to go for cata.

Imagine this hypothetical: a person (not me) posts repeatedly about an in-game bug for a game (not this one). Said person (not me) then calls out the absurdity of continuing to advertise a paid service offered by the gameā€™s company (not this one) that results in said bug. This person (not me) is then given a suspension from the forums and the post is deleted.

But now said paid service is no longer available.

Anyways, just a hypothetical, and therefore couldnā€™t possibly violate any further forum rules such as discussions suspensions, as this is strictly a hypothetical.

But in reality, another day, another list of fixes, and no notice or seeming recognition from blizzard that this is a serious problem.

I feel like they donā€™t know how to fix it and are praying it solves itself

The in-game shop still shows boosts available for purchase.

What I find comical is you can shift click for an FAQ for the service and it goes to a dead linked page :rofl: