Cata Heroic Difficulty & Tank Balance

Idk, would you say the same for all the dps that don’t stack up to the top dogs too? People are still going to play what they want. Listening to them cry that they’re “not the best” is just some more retail nonsense, and Wotlk ret pally all over again and it’s tiring.

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There’s a difference between not being the best and Death Strike dealing over 400% weapon damage and critting for 90k in 346 blues.

Oh well, lol. Fine by me.

So, it’s jealousy? I’m not sure what you’re talking about here, now we’re discussing damage output, like that has anything to do with tank viability… So you want the others to do more damage? Your words are confusing. I didn’t realize how badly other tanks desired to “top the meters” or be a parselord… If that’s the case I hope they never change it, because… WHY

Show me. I’ve combed through a ton of videos from OG cata, and can’t find BDK being top dps ST on raid bosses… Also note; you can look at the WF kills on these bosses in this first tier and there isn’t a single BDK where you say they will be, even warriors and PALADINS participating in said WF (treckie/sco). Given that fact alone, it’s just whining and fearmongering.


Basically this. Blood is not top DPS on single target. If you get into AOE situations with subpar DPS, Blood can lead the meters, but they come down to earth a bit for single target.

Because of their superior AOE, seems BDK will be more likely to be a good candidate for off-tank and picking up adds.

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Hey :clown_face:

I’m a Blood DK.

Go watch some Cataclysm Beta streams. Go watch Ahlaundoh losing to a Blood DK tank over and over again.

I can see old archived logs where there’s Blood DK’s in the top 50 on bosses. I see a Blood DK topping Normal mode Lord Ryolith. Things are different now, you’ll be seeing many Blood DK’s tanking with DPS gear and glyphs and absolutely topping meters.

Why do people who have no idea what they’re talking about always have the most to say?

Yeah, why do you? You keep bringing up tank viability, and saying other tanks won’t get a spot EVER, but keep throwing in dmg meters, as if that’s the reason you’d bring a tank, and then I ask for evidence (giving you latitude) and you say “go watch”.
SHOW ME or can it.

You’re hiding on a retail character for a reason. I know what I’m talking about, you do not. You’re wrong, probably bad and hiding because of that.


Here’s one of the best DPS players in the world losing to a Blood DK tank in Heroic Stonecore:

You can look through his vods and see all the random Blood DK’s destroying him. You’ll also see the only tanks he’s playing with from the group finder are Blood DK’s.

Nice proof. I guess I’ll just discount everything you’ve said, just like before, as fearmongering, and whining.
Lastly, I looked up Ahlaundoh, has zero cataclysm content on YT, and I’m not about to comb through streams looking to prove YOUR point, which has no validity anyway.
Have fun living in an echochamber kiddo.

Edit: you want ME to comb through an ELEVEN HOUR VOD to find that someone lost to a BDK in a 5man?

Are you just trolling now? How old are you? 80?

I’ll link it again:

This is the part where you continue to request more and more evidence from me and I ignore you because you’re:

1.) Wrong
2.) Hiding on a retail character
3.) Trolling because bored or lonely

jeez. I just went into that vod to see the first stonecore, and he didn’t get beat by that BDK on ANY boss in that whole stone core, and it wasn’t even close.
I’ve used this character on the forums for longer than you’ve probably been playing the game, nice argument.

SO, you’re basically just a liar, that BDK did 10k dps at the end of stonecore where the last boss has a ton of ads to do aoe on, and we’re talking about ST raid bosses where most of the WF fights dps are doing nearly 27k dps, oh man sound the alarms. Cool. Enjoy the void, I’m done here.

I’ve been playing on and off since 2005 but ok. You don’t even have an OG PvP title, lol.

About time. Go back to retail.


Unlike you, I’ve played nothing but Classic for the last 4.5 years. #nochanges was a disaster and that’s why I’m here advocating for things to make the game better. Retail players like yourself are here to troll and try to keep known problems from being fixed. I don’t know why you do this, probably because you don’t want your retail dragon game to lose more players.

Blizzard buffed Ret and Feral in WoTLK Classic. I’m sure they’ve got their eyes on Cata and will hopefully see the issue once the game launches and Blood DK’s account for 90% of all tanks.

Blood dks doing 19k dps in 463 gear when most fotm dps classes are sitting at 18k ish is insane. They do more damage then most dps classes, while tanking, white being able to not ever die if you rotate cds correctly. There will be 10 man blood dk raids clearing heroic first week.

Gloom and doom, but nobody wants to provide proof. Show me/everyone.

Been linked many times this dk is doing 16.7k on a full st fight at 346 ilvl, beating the full enchanted gemmed enhance shaman.

He ends the last boss VP at 18.3k ahead of a full enchanted survival hunter (the 2nd best st dps class first tier) with several 359s.

Oh look, another 11 hour stream of only 5 mans. Nice. :roll_eyes:
The first VP, bdk didn’t win at all, the last one you seem to not want to attribute any context to anything, it wasn’t full ST AND the hunter was being deadzoned throughout the fight. If this is SO apparent to you people, there needs to be more evidence than 1 fight in a 5-man, that isn’t single target at all.
What we call this example you gave is an ANECDOTE.

Not sure how 5 mans don’t amount to anything considering raids tanks gain more dps then they do in 5 mans due to taking more dam through veng and just having more raid buffs. Blood dk being a tank and the top dps, which having so many defensives will probably mean the first clear could be 10 dks for 10 mans bar to4w.

That boss doesn’t deadzone hunters if they stand at the back, diseases also account for basically nothing for blood at this stage .

You realize every needs to be in that lightning zone or you die right? Which happens at least once during the fight IN THE BOSS’S FACE.
Context, it’s everything.

So do dps :roll_eyes:
Bro, it seems y’all just want to complain and witch hunt. Either enjoy it, or don’t, the crying has to stop.

That is the thing though sims show blood scaling far better then most dps which is way back in cata blood dks were tanking ultraxion and doing 45-46k dps (which was higher levels of classes).

There is a difference between crying someone has better food then you at school, and crying about someone whos father owns the school so ythey get to have lollies while noone else does.