Cat Paws (Pets, Druid Forms, Mobs)

Why do pre-legion Cat paws still look like Jelly Donuts after all this time?


I don’t understand…how do they look like jelly donuts?

I’d post links to images… but apparently I can’t post links in my posts despite Blizz having a hyperlink option in their post thing -squint-.

Look up Bear Claw Donuts and compare to pre-legion druid cat forms paws.

wow they really do…


I’m just glad they changed the number of toes on them, before the prints used to have only 3 claws per footprint when we clearly have 4… or was it the other way around? Memory is a little fuzzy, anyway it didn’t match before.

My paws are fine, thank you.

Still waiting on being able to wear cosmetic hats in form, though.

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Why do blood elves look like fleshy sticks after all this time?


Mmmmm jelly donuts. Now I’m hungry for cats, thanks a lot.


Why does the stag form travel mount always look to the right?

I want a top hat and monocle for my bear. not even joking.

hati gets a fez! he’s not a cat though…

Better than having their claws in the wrong place, the updated night sabers are awful looking once you notice.

Oh my goddess why does it though?

Because it always looks to the right, never to the wrong


These donuts are great!

Jelly filled are my favorite!

Nothing beats a jelly filled donut.

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We’re twigs, Carissa; not sticks! We prefer the term that flows better with insults.

Flesh twigs.

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Ah yes, much better. A more refined insult.

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Elves like our refinededness

This is brilliant! Why have I never seen this idea before?

Hats and maybe shoulderpads for druid forms (Cat, Bear, Moonkin) would be amazing!

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Why are night elf hands so ugly still?