Casual Try-hard Cousin Duo LF Shadowlands raiding (Horde)

We’re pushing 30, we’ve raided off & on since vanilla and we’ve mastered just about every class & spec over the years. We’re willing to play any role or class for that matter but I’m leaning towards monk.

Although we didn’t raid in BFA, we are experienced raiders. We stay prepared in terms of strats/metas/consumables/addons etc. We’re looking for a likeminded team that wants to have fun but also takes pride in their performance.

preferred raid times: weekdays 3pm-7pm PT but will consider any schedule

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Hey Gruul. Dropping some spam for you here. You two sound like a good fit. Reach out to me if you’re into it:

< Mestov > of Illidan is now opening recruitment for Shadowlands. We are seeking exceptional players to add to our mythic roster. Please reach out to Bluff#1114 on BNET or Bluff#3277 on Discord.


Led by CE raiders, the guild was formed mid patch 8.3. Our current core consists of many returning veteran players of the game, used to raiding at a high level. As time has gone on and priorities have changed, we sought to create a relaxed schedule with a hardcore mindset. The goal is always to progress as far as we can and make adjustments as needed to make that happen.

Raid Schedule

Tuesday/Wednesday: 8:30-11:30 PM EST


  • Holy Paladin or MW monk
  • Boomkin
  • Warlock
  • Rogue

If your class is not listed above and you are still interested in our guild, please do not hesitate to contact us. Exceptional players of any class/role will be considered.

Please come talk to us, love you have you’s come aboard!
Masters of Insanity is an old alliance guild recently revived, faction changed, realm changed & renamed for a fresh start! We are looking for all classes and all specs. Ultimate goal is to build a core raid team for Shadowlands, and obtain guild AOTC if possible before prepatch! We’re a little crazy and like to have drinks and fun when playing. Willing to help players gear and prepare, guild repairs available as well as additional support if necessary. Our humor at times can be sarcastic, but always & only in good fun. Adult atmosphere, discord ready to go…

We are in need of a raid leader, would prefer experienced, but willing to work with someone with good potential! Also in need of officers to help with recruitment as well as upkeep for core raid team. If all goes well we will introduce a second raid team to accommodate as many guildies as possible interested.

No application required here. I do not care about your current raider IO or Warcraftlogs. Let’s build a great team together, raiding is as much about fun, as it is about the sweet taste of being victorious! We are not perfect, nobody in this world is, and we do not judge! We are open to all, but also expect NO TOXICITY and as little drama as possible. I pull no punches, if you become bad for the morale of the guild. You will simply be kicked and banned.

If interested look us up in guild finder, in game Shamman#1743 or drop msg here. Glad to answer any questions!

Come get Mental with us!!

Hey, feel free to reach out if we fit what you are looking for -

Hey Gruul! I think our raid times are pretty close to what you’re looking for in pacific time! I’ll leave our guild info below, and if you’re interested just let me know on Discord at Atilix#2170! I really hope to hear from you guys!

You Had Me at ZugZug is a community-oriented Mythic raiding guild based on Mal-Ganis (US). We’re a welcoming, social community with a goal of mixing entry-level and casual players with competitive raiders and key pushers to create a symbiotic and enjoyable relationship where our members can grow together.

We currently two days a week, 3 hours a day with an emphasis on efficient pulling, pre-planning, and having the utmost respect for everybody’s time and energy. You’ll get out what you put in when it comes to our guild, and we’re excited to hear from any new applicants who are interested in a vacation from the usual attitude issues that come with entering Mythic raiding. You will not find a hot-headed raid leader shouting at you in our community, self-awareness and responsibility are encouraged instead of heated micro-management.

Our members are mature adults looking to enjoy the game in a healthy, drama-free, respectful environment. While we’re aiming to clear Mythic content, we expect a cool head and tranquil demeanor at all times. We are an LGBT+ friendly guild and we have a zero tolerance policy on any forms of hate speech or discrimination.

If you’ve followed along until this point, we encourage you to send a message to one of our Recruitment Officers and begin the process of joining our community! We’d love to have you and we’re excited to see how high you’ll soar in our midst!

Are you a boosted Bonobo? Are you looking for a relaxed raiding guild?
Well I got one for you Bonobos - Area 52 is a Horde guild looking to recruit members for Shadowlands!
We are a previous CE Guild on Mug’thol/Akama/Dragonmaw, back in BFA, reforming on Area 52.
BFA Progression:

  • 5/9 M BOD
  • 7/7 M Uldir
    Legion Progression:
  • 9/11 M ABT
  • 7/9 M TOS
  • 9/10 M NH
    Our raid times are:
    Thursday: 7:00 pm(pst) - 11:00pm (pst)

If interested, or have any more questions message me on Discord or add me in game:
Dottie#11173 (bnet)
Others you can talk to:
Wednezday#1133 (Guild master)
Wednezday#7136 (Gm’s Discord)

Hello and greetings! I hope you are well! Feel free to contact us if you feel like we are a fit!

Avenoir is a newly formed guild Horde side on WyrmrestAccord, looking to bolster it’s ranks for raiding and M+ in Shadowlands. Our members are veteran players and have AOTC for Nya’lotha. Currently we are in need of all roles for raid. Our focus is to casually progress heroic raiding content and achieve all timed M+15 dungeons each tier, making sure our members are included in this content if that is their goal. We would like to form a close knit community with our members so that we can grow and be successful.

Raid times:
Currently looking at Friday evenings with a start time of 5/8pm PST/EST (most of our members are CT/EST right now).

What we need:
Off-Tank - Looking for a Blood DK or Brewmaster, but all classes considered
DPS - looking for ranged (looking for S. Priest & Mage, but all classes considered), melee and dps willing to offspec/have another toon ready for healing or tanking if needed for back-up
Heals - Looking for Resto Druid or Holy Pally, but all classes considered

Who to contact:
GM: Onatah-WyrmrestAccord // NoriLynore#4936 (Discord) // NoriLynore#1234 (battletag)

Raid Lead: Soulprison-WyrmrestAccord // Alone#1280 (battletag)

Officer: Bohaî-WyrmrestAccord // jfro#1674 (battletag)

Hey Gruul I would love to chat with you two when ever you have some time to see if you may be a good fit for our family, Chaos Manifesto on the Eredar server cluster. Please feel free to add my btag - Kitsune#1784 or discord Sinafay#3443

My guild raids T/Th/Sun 6-9pm PST, we’ve been around for four years, primarily doing heroic progression with dips into mythic here and there when we’ve had enough folks for it. We’re currently lfm dps so we can try to do some more mythic in SL. We’re pretty casual, tight knit, and do a lot of m+. If any of this sounds remotely interesting, message me either in Discord (hypeandmediocrity#1312) or Btag (PlayerOne#11128)

Hey! Are you bored with not dying all the time? Then join Optimal Baddies and find yourself so engrossed in guild chat that you’ll be running off cliffs and pulling 20 mobs at once in no time! Recommended by 4 out of 5 Spirit Healers.

Jokes aside we are a semi hardcore raiding guild looking to clear heroic and mythic.

Raid times are as follows.

Monday - 8PM-10:00PM EST
Tuesday - 8PM-10:00PM EST

If interested please reach out to one of us!
Bnet - Goldfish#1198
Discord - Goldfish#7851

Bnet - Ninjaspace#1577
Discord -ninjaXpope#0788