Yeah, we already know that’s true because of a serious lack of testing in the US. If we were testing absolutely everyone like South Korea did, we’d be seeing very different numbers. But we don’t have enough tests to go around.
This was already known. The point is to stop spreading it so that people with weaker immune systems and so on don’t catch it and end up much worse than those with mild symptoms, who passed it on to them. They’ve specifically said this, especially for younger people who aren’t concerned for themselves.
They’ve been saying global warming will be our doom for years, and every year that it hasn’t proven so is to their fear-mongering but a slight alteration to the dates of their portents.
At least in Mad Max I won’t need to submit my personal information to a bloated governmental authority to get my vroom-vrooms.
and I am saying that within a month’s time that it won’t matter and we have to open everything back up or we will lose more people from starvation than the virus.
Yeah, I’m sure we can trust those numbers, look at the CDC edict on how to classify deaths related to covind19, to get a clue.
I saw this on the news aswell.
Yup, Southern Ontario alright.
So glad I moved to Alberta.
I think its funny people protesting Covoid 19 as a hoax, are wearing mask to their protest.
You really can’t make up this kind of stupid.
Because the negative effects from global warming are happening slowly, over time. It isn’t going to hit all at once like The Day After Tomorrow or some sh*. The longer we let it go on, the faster it’s going to keep happening.
If every single U.S citizen sat inside of their homes, the Virus would still spread. Regardless of how we combat it, the best course of action is to put money towards a vaccine and a plan. Forcing citizens to remain inside is lazy and frankly more dangerous right now than letting people out.
In order for the economy to flourish, we have to be able to work and buy products and services. Groceries and Amazon deliveries are not enough. At this rate, those in poverty are as good as dead and poverty rates will increase.
Let people out, those who are scared will stay inside.
Global Warming will never end humanity or the whole of Earth. The world fluctuates in temperatures all the time.
Our local news station reported that the median age of our Covid-19 deaths is 87 and 98% of them had underlying health issues. Also that the vast majority are from assisted living facilities.
Frankly I think we could do with another Ice Age; working outdoors through Summer last was torture, and the electricity bills did my family no favors.
I like the cold more than the heat, but I also really love having plants and flowers so… I’m not sure an ice age would be good for me.
No ones arguing the world hasn’t been fluctuating in tempatures, the argument is its happening faster than its suppose too due to our modern involvement.
Southern Ontario… Canada’s Florida.
Imagine thinking people protesting to get their jobs back or against government oppression are somehow being nefarious or selfish. I think people sitting at home expecting their food to be grown, shipped, sold, and delivered to their doors selfish. People expect their lights to stay on and their internet to work… without thinking how many people have to go outside (gasp) to make it so.
How many colonoscopies aren’t being done? How many physicals or cancer screenings that save lives aren’t being done? What toll does it take to keep children indoors and not let them ride bikes or play with friends?
Right, but the most you can do to work around that is to stop using everything from your phone, to your car, to the computer you use to play WoW. On top of the, your house will need to implode and you need to live in a hole in the ground.
Multiply that by billions, and then it might slow down.
This guy is actually RPing as Thanos.
We’re committing slow suicide by hiding in our homes from something that almost certainly won’t kill us. People still went to work during the black plague. Society continued despite the horrific losses.
And stop wearing mass-manufactured clothing.
Just grow some flax, process it into linen and make your own clothes.
The black plague? In the middle ages? You mean when the world’s population was at least 10x smaller than it is now? You mean when “work” was growing your own food or maybe running a small shop in town?