Case in point: Some people are absolutely stupid


I’m not aiming to stan for the CCP - they have an absolutely horrendous human rights record and as I previously stated, China is amongst the top global polluters. I’m just saying I wish more countries (my own included) saw more economic value in diversifying away from fossil fuels, which is something China seems to be doing.

What the heck does this mean? Is this what it feels like to be old, when you start to not understand the new hip words that young people come up with?

I love you, you said exactly what I think only better.

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I’m in North Dakota I went to Walmart Saturday for some things that I couldn’t get in my town, there were a lot of empty shelves in the one I went to.

I’m sorry everyone, this all happened because I coughed over the salad dressing at Dennys.

China is on the attack to be a super power. It’s world war 3 without the bombs/guns.

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Imagine if this happened without our current technology infrastructure. Yes, it’s bad people are unemployed (although some are making more on unemployment), but we do have the technology that allows us to stay inside, work from home and shop from home.

You should check out Anne Mcilhenney on YouTube she does a lot of climate change debunking.

You’ve never seen my IQ.
My rationality is literally never tainted by emotion.
Sometimes I will do things for emotional nourishment but never serious decision making.

In related breaking news, the Kraft Heinz Company announces a national shortage of Kool Aid and are developing rapid response plans to quickly increase the supply.

More news on this breaking story in our 11:00pm newscast.

/moo :cow:

Not every one has the option to work from home, my daughter and I are both essential workers, I can tell you that people are not staying home, and a majority of them do not wear masks. If anything our jobs have gotten busier. If this virus is such a big threat why isn’t it tearing essential workers down, or decimating the homeless population. I’m exposed to countless colds flus and illnesses daily I have been for years. I would have loved the chance to work from home but people are not staying home, and I need to pay my bills and not see my savings decimated because of this.