CAS system error - now all Weak auras are gone

Hi all. hoping someone might have some info to assist me with this issue. I Exited wow with Alt F4 as i was in a rush to restart my PC. when i went back into wow. the massive error screen talking about the:

" CAS System Unable to Initialize ClientHandler

Cannot start WoW. Error Message: The CAS system was unable to initialize: ClientHandler: initialization error: failed to create storage component.

i looked at my D drive and somehow my drive was maxed out with no available space, so i deleted a few games and reloaded wow. it started up just fine but it instantly put up the Blizzard cinematic and when the game loaded all graphic values were set to default the in game music was turned on, and I noticed that all my icons and weak auras were gone. ive looked online for a few fixes including renaming the weakauras .lua.bak and none of that worked.

does anyone know what might have happened and how to fix it. as i had around 30 different weak auras all set up for my specific characters and rolls. and most of the weak auras i got were over the years from various players and most of which i dont even know the name or string to try to look them up on

if anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated.

It sounds like something took control of the folder that WoW was installed in, like an antivirus app, malware bytes, onedrive, etc. This is more common when WoW is not installed on the primary hard drive. Unfortunately, if the files were missing and you had to redownload the game, addon data will be gone, too.

As for the drive, it might be dying, infected with malware, or some other process is using that space.

Hey Enyalios,

Sorry to hear about the Weakauras that were lost. We don’t have a way to restore them or see what they were unfortunately. :frowning:

When you’re pressed for time and need to shut down the game, always hit Esc -> Exit Game. That will allow the game to shut down properly without having to wait the 20 seconds to log out if you’re not in a town.

When you Alt+F4 to force close the game it doesn’t give the game client a chance to save your addons / UI files properly and that can cause things to be reset like you described.

ive already done malware sweeps and my computer has no infections. so im not sure if that is the case the game was not reinstalled either. i rebooted the computer and when i logged into the game. all my weakauras were gone.

The data for the addon may have become corrupted, so I recommend removing the file structure and reinstalling WeakAuras etc.

what do you mean by removing the file structure ? is there a certain file or folder in particular?

The file structure mentioned in this help article. You may want to perform all the steps there.