Carla the Great One

Carla The Great One.CB

It was a dark and stormy night in Orgrimmar, an old orc woman comes through the gates with an orc baby. The baby is placed on the orphanages doorstep. The woman rings and leaves. Little Carla wiggles in the rain. She is a little orc baby!CB

Carla grows up in the Orphanage and gets very few toys. Some people donate but that’s rare. She is about seven and the teacher makes some cobbler. She tries it for the first time. It is her favorite thing! It turns out she loves cobbler.

She makes it to 18 and has to leave the Orphanage. She is bigger than the other kids and has her write of education. She learns sword and shield on top of the gate with the Tauren teachers there. She is becoming a mighty warrior.

She gets a job as a town guard and is very protective of the road she guards. She has cobbler for lunch and also ham. She likes it very much.CBC

One day they are going to the woods to kill a troublesome spider that attacks the caravans. She joins right away. It’s time to prove that she is a warrior and will defend her city! So she rides out on her own on her Garn Night Wolf. She approaches the spider with ease. It spits venom at her. She uses brute force of her sword and kills it. She chops off the legs, The undead cook and eat them.CB

“Better than cobbler.” Says an Undead warrior who pays her five hundred gold. She goes home and

continues to be a guard to this day.C



Carla is nice. smiles warmly