Bumping for visibility!
Bumping for visibility!
Bumping for visibility!
Bumping for visibility!
Bumping for visibility!
Bumping for visibility!
Bumping for visibility!
Bumping for visibility!
Bumping for visibility!
Bumping for visibility!
Bumping for visibility!
Bumping for visibility!
Would you be interested in an Enh Shaman? Currently main is 4/10M in SoD.
We are always interested in good players! You should contact Oodona to talk to him (unknownforce#1588) to see if we are a good fit for each other!
Bumping for visibility!
Hey! Please message me on discord Oodonna#0700 if you’re still interested!
Bumping for visibility!
Howdy, I am interested. 3/10 M SoD 8/10 M CN relaxed, but mechanically smart holy priest / shadow priest flex LF a fun and friendly guild that wants to down bosses and have fun doing so! I sent a bnet request and discord request, under BajaBlastoise. Look forward to chatting with yall!
Bumping for visibility!
Hey bro im an outlaw rogue who really wants to go hard this patch. I dont have a ton of PVE experience but im willing to put in the work to learn and i would love to contribute to a team lmk if u could use me.