Cant wait till TBC

tbf I think tbc is for a completely different audience than the people who are attracted to wow arena currently. apart from people who actually liked wow back then, and played through it, I can understand why people who haven’t played it, or graduated and moved on from playing it, don’t want to go back.

It definitely had it’s flaws. There’s some ignorant critiques in here, but there’s also some ignorant praise. TBC was by no means perfect, but it’s not as black and white as TBC bad future expansions good.

Tbc offers a really unique style to wow pvp. Especially with all the overlapping DR schools, and unique way combat evolved out of vanilla before wotlk started to streamline class design with efficiency.

If you don’t like rng, you’re not going to enjoy tbc. Even this awkward video highlights one of TBC’s most frustrating features to people who haven’t played from back then / coming back to those times. Resist. Resisting your interrupt. Resisting stuns. resist resist resist.

The good thing about tbc rng is that a lot of the time there’s room to recover, and your life isn’t over because x or y didn’t happen.

The bad thing about tbc is that if you don’t know the script, or the correct strategy for your comp to secure it’s goals / windows, you’re going to get stomped 10-0 while feeling like everything’s entirely hopeless, while on hindsight you realize your priest wasn’t purging abolish poison, doing damage to the warrior, and your focus macro wasn’t working. (to be awkwardly specific.)

Tbc’s also a time where gladiator could come from 2v2. And people taking 2v2 seriously is something i’d wager the majority of people in modern wow aren’t interested in.

From what I’ve heard classic was a huge success and is still very much active? Idk i don’t play classic.

If I could say something in TBC’s defense, I’d say push aside your preconceived notions of what WoW is, or what wow should be based on your experiences with the current game, and approach TBC as a blank slate and experience it for yourself if you haven’t before.

It’s the foundation of everything we do, the origin of arena, and where all of the passion and love for this game we get to share to this day initially came from. It’s quirky, it’s awkward. It’s completely different. But it’s lots of fun.

I’d also recommend looking at R1 gameplay in tbc, either modern or historical, and use that as your reference if you can find one that isn’t 360p lol.

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TBC was awesome cause it was my first expansion, but I was still a young kid and didn’t really fully experience it. I’d love to go back and immerse myself more fully into it, from some of the pve attunements, to the old time arena system.

It definitely wasn’t perfect, but it was the introduction; and it’s a nice place to revisit from time to time.

Also, nether drakes.

I feel like it was.
I played classic until SL came out, and it was pretty well populated the entire time I played.

TBC PvP had its own charm, for sure.
One major difference I can see in TBC vs retail in PvP the really powerful cooldown timers were longer.
You put a lot of though into using that 3 minute nature’s swiftness cooldown.
You could also use it with cyclone back then for instant CC, but that would cost you your oh !@#$ button heal for later in the match.

Nature’s swiftness is 45s now and I just use a macro for it to instant cast regrowth always :man_shrugging:

Retail PvP feels like constant cooldown trading and not really much else. Wasn’t always like that.
Divine Shield was a big choice.

It depends if they ruin the launch like they did with classic. Having 3 hour queues to get into a server splintered so many guilds, and then not having faction specific queues made populations 20:1. At least arena can make up for the latter failure.

I think it’s even more specific, in that some classes were innately powerful, while others had powerful cooldowns. There was a more dynamic approach to class design. With clear cut strengths and weakness, things classes were really bad at or quite literally couldn’t do, and things classes outperformed others by miles in. Cooldown was more of a feature in design, rather than something everyone had access to. At least in the sense that “oh this class is popping on you.” If a class was hitting you, they were popping. Depending on the class they had a button to augment that, but generally speaking the most common “universal” type of cooldown was just a defensive.

Lots of classes didn’t have offensive cooldowns, not like they do today. or had a cluster of small cooldowns that weren’t show stoppers. Vs other classes that had big long cooldowns that needed to be used correctly or respected.

Ya lol, they had 1 good 3s comp. See you there! :slight_smile:

There is no point of waiting until next season of retail btw if you plan on playing TBC.Leaked news from a couple of sources from my friend’s said that TBC should be expectedly coming out at sometime into May 2021.I don’t plan on playing retail whatsoever most likely to conserve my focus and energy for TBC when the game made sense to me.

No point of being burnt out in an expansion that Blizzard has no interest in carefully maintaining.

I feel like they setup timers to release content and went on vacation.